Criminal Mischief

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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MY ESSAY ON CRIMINAL MISCHIEF The way I see criminal mischief is that you act recklessly or negligently, while damaging physical property that you do not own. And the owner of that damaged property decides to press charges against the one doing the damage. But for the plaintiff to press charges there must be some concrete evidence. And the state must prove that the culprit did act recklessly or negligently while committing the crime that has or was done to the damaged property. The term "recklessly" means that the person had committed the crime while consciously knowing what he or she was doing. The person is committing the crime that was in progress but did not stop and kept going on with the crime knowing that it is wrong. Or even being aware that a crime was being committed and encouraging it to happen. The crime must be to an extent of an inhumane nature and the purpose of his or her crime is circumstance.

Or to decide that the person acted recklessly is for the plaintiff to have beyond a reasonable doubt that the person did know what he or she did. And for he or she to take the risk of what that person did, to damage theNow the term "negligently" means: The failure to exercise such care as would normally be expected by a reasonable man or women, pertaining to or involving civil action for compensation for damages injury, or loss arising from another's negligence.

Negligence is a ditto to the term recklessly in the eyes of anybody.

and kept going on with the crime knowing that it is wrong. Or even being aware that a crime was being committed and encouraging it to happen. The crime must be to an extent of an inhumane nature and the purpose of his or her crime is circumstance. Or to decide that the person acted recklessly is for the plaintiff to have beyond