"The Cube": Character analysis

Essay by curb64High School, 11th gradeB-, March 2007

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THE CUBEThe Cube is a low-budget, science-fiction drama depicting the struggle for freedom in a futuristic cube maze. It shows mankind at their worst when things go bad. The six characters in the film form a type of society, all bringing different skills. Although from different backgrounds, they all share a common goal-freedom. These strangers were stuck in an unfamiliar environment with no knowledge or sense of time contributed to the stress and desperation felt among the characters. Instinctively they worked together as a group,Former cop Quentin becomes the group leader through power rather than authority, but as he ended up thinking for himself instead of for the good of the group, the other members rival against him. He becomes the villain towards the end of the film and is responsible for breaking the group apart.

Dr. Holloway begins as a bitter, dramatic woman and challenges Quentin and confronts him.

Towards the end of the film she changes and becomes more human looking after Kazan, tending to Quentin’s wounds and defending worth.

Leaven, the high school math student becomes an important resource as she discovers the numerical codes engraved in the cubes. With her growing power and importance in the group her confidence level rises and she starts to stand up for herself.

Worth the architect appears in the beginning and quiet stubborn and tends to serve no function in the group, until it is discovered Worth was a part of the creation of the maze. He begins as ‘the poison’ to the group, but becomes the hero and leader.

Rennes the escape artist, also known as ‘the wren’ begins as the group’s only hope for escape. Rennes served himself and only took the others along ‘for their boots’. Starting off as the specialist, the answer to freedom ended up as a useless victim.

Kazan is the autistic adult who seems to just slow down the group and put them at risk. It is realized that he is vital in order to escape as he is the only one capable of the calculations required to find the exit.

“They may have taken our lives away but we’re still human beings and that’s all we’ve got left,” this statement summaries one of the main recurring themes in The Cube. It makes us question what it is to be a human being; do we fight for ourselves or with others and work as a society? Is being human having a job, a mortgage and a family?The Cube can be related to William Golding’s ‘Lord of the Flies’ where the characters are stripped down to their essence and primitive instincts take over. The characters are stranded on an island with nothing else but each other all seeking rescue. Conflict occurs and characters are struck with violence, as Quinton does in Cube.