Culture V.S. Instinctive

Essay by scarerCollege, UndergraduateA, February 2009

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Nowadays, media has a great influence on people’s daily lives. It is obvious that some of our needs and wants are not driven by our own intrinsic instinctive, instead, by the culture surrounds us. In this article, I am going to focus on food magazines and discuss the relation between their contents and our lives.

It’s not hard to find that most food and recipes presented in those food magazines are fancy in style and appetite triggering. The magazine I have looked at is called CookingLight. It does show us some easy-cooking food, yet, they are all presented in a very professional way and the pictures shown of the food are perfect in angels. Frankly, most of the food introduced in it is not necessary to sustain life; for example, “Lightened Mudslide cookies”, “Cool, Creamy, Chocolaty”. They are all tasty-looking but unhealthy in nutrition value, rather than truly necessary to our lives.

Moreover, I couldn’t find any feature articles about the bare minimum of nourishment like plain rice and noodles; my guess is they are probably alone too simple and unattractive for appetite. Rice is featured in some pages but only a little amount of content is contributed to it.

The content of such magazines has a strong relation to our culture, which ultimately drives us to desire for those foods presented. Although heath concerns in food has been raised, taste is still one big element about “good meals”. When people look at those tasty-looking food shown in the magazines, they automatically will want them because they look irresistible. Most descriptions in the recipes provided are also very appetite-orientated. For instance, in the description of “Chocolate-mint bars” it said “the dense base layer is like a rich, fudgy brownie, for a more grown-up taste, you can also use dark chocolate chips for some or all of the semisweet chocolate chips in the glaze.” The values and beliefs it presented is “taste and look comes first, nothing else really matter.” But is that really the initial reason for human craving for food? Isn’t that we eat because we want to sustain life? But the culture has changed, the values has changed, people nowadays have a lot higher requirement for food, they eat not just because of sustaining life, also for appetite, for pleasure.

Some countries in the world like France and Japan have a healthy eating culture. However, in food magazines we find here in America, hardly ever talk about their cuisines. Even when some magazines talk about them, they are mostly tasty in nature rather than truly presenting the healthy eating style behind. By doing this assignment, I learned that media like food magazines have a big impact on our eating culture. In some ways, they tried to make us desire for certain types of food or simply to the magazines themselves. Part of our instinctive has been controlled by the culture around us. Media, advertising and promotions are somehow leading our living styles.