Cyrano DeBergerac

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2008

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Dramatic irony is present in a work of literature when a character acts without knowing an important piece of information that that audience or read already knows. In Cyrano de Bergerac, a French play by Edmon Rostand, is a work that contains dramatic irony. What is the dramatic irony and how does it contribute to the development of suspense.

First off, the dramatic irony in act IIƒ| is vital to the story. Act twos dramatic irony takes place when Cyrano, the main character, is speaking with Roxane in the pastry shop. The dramatic irony is that the audience knows of Cyranos¡¦ love for Roxane but that Roxane does not realize that he loves her. She begins speaking of a man who she loves, telling Cyrano of how wonderful he is. The audience or reader wants Roxane to be speaking of Cyrano, building the suspense for the scene.

At the highest point of suspense, Roxane says the word that is the climax for the act. ¡§Handsome,¡¨ with this, Cyrano is let down a long with the crowd. The suspense comes from the audience¡¦s hope that she is speaking of Cyrano. As you can see, the dramatic irony in act I is very important.

Secondly, act III is also given its meaning by the dramatic irony. The point of the most dramatic irony occurs when Roxane believes that Christian is speaking to her when it is Cyrano. In Roxane¡¦s phrase ¡§You¡¦re speaking in a voice I¡¦ve never heard before.¡¨ That is the line that makes the scene hold its¡¦ dramatic irony. The new voice is Cyranos¡¦ and not Christian¡¦s as Roxane believes. The new voice that Roxane is hearing is real and the true soul behind the letters and words. She is hearing her true love speak to her for the first time but in her mind, she¡¦s hearing Christian, the man she thinks she loves. The audience knows of Cyrano¡¦s true and spiritual love for Roxane. This is a piece of information that neither Roxane nor Christian know of. Therefore, the dramatic irony is important to act III also.

Finally, dramatic irony is a main point of act IV. The dramatic irony is not seen at first, it doesn¡¦t completely appear until Roxane arrives at the front. At this point, you find out that ¡¥Christians¡¦ letters are what lured her to the front and into danger. When Christian confronts Cyrano, Christian finally finds out that Cyrano really loves Roxane. Christian forces Cyrano to tell Roxane the truth about the letters and how he truly feels for her. Christian is then shot and killed, as a show of loyalty, Cyrano tells Christian that he told Roxane everything and that she still loves him when the audience or reader knows that he didn¡¦t get a chance to tell her. In other words, act IV¡¦s dramatic irony is another very important detail to the story.

Cyrano de Bergerac, a French play by Edmon Rostand, is a work that contains dramatic irony. Dramatic irony is present in a work of literature when a character acts without knowing an important piece of evidence. In conclusion, Cyrano de Bergerac is a work that displays great use of dramatic irony to build suspense and the story.