Czar Nicholas

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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3-9-01 Czar Nicholas Romanov II Everyone knows about Czar Nicholas II from the headline news of his execution on July 17, 1918. For the "bloody Sunday," And children even know him from the movie "Anastasia." But there was much more to his life than just a movie and his own death.

When Nicholas became czar of Russia after his father, Alexander III, he was totally unprepared, but graciously accepted the calling but for some odd reason, not many people liked Nicholas...well, there were 3 reasons.

Nick was doomed from the start. At his own coronation festival, there was to be food baskets and beer passed out to the crowd of commoners, but a rumor quickly flew through the crowd that there wasn't going to be enough food or drink for everyone. A stampede ensued quickly injuring thousands. The czar and his wife wanted to visit patients in the hospital, but his uncles advised against it.

That put a quick gap between him and the peasants.

The second flaw in his methods were His hopes for being czar which were to fulfill the ideas of his ancestors and make the hopes of previous czars a reality... nothing special. He was just like every other czar in Russia's history... he wanted to make Russia a more industrialized country and a world power. But after the slaughter in the russo-japanese war, he proved that russia still had a long way to go before they'd be recognized as a world power and a serious threat on the battlefield. And he had a long way to go.

In the Russo-Japanese war, he tried to prove that Russia is and was a strong country by battling over a disputed piece of land in Manchuria. Unfortunately, they lost and the entire Eastern Russian Naval fleet was destroyed.

He entered his country in world war one with hopes of getting a rematch with Japan so that they could flex their muscles but they instead got beaten by Germany on several occasions. His country's poor fighting tactics and lack of funds were the main problem. Due to lack of money and a lack of steel, soldiers were expected to pick the rifles up off their fallen comrades in the middle of war so that they could save money and metals for bullets and slugs. That was just a bad idea.

In a dangerous escapade, he left his wife and children at home to go to the front line of war during world war one in an effort to raise the morale of his depressed and shocked troops who had just suffered yet another loss at the hands of the Germans. He succeeded in getting his troops to fight his passion, but not with strength, or that's how things seemed after they lost another battle soon later.

The third reason was the "bloody Sunday." 1,200 commoners walked to the capitol building singing "live forever, czar" carrying a list of requested changes for russia and all 1,200 of them... including the women and children, were shot and killed. That wasn't very appreciated among the people.

Nicholas Romanov II and his entire family were executed on July 17, 1918 in a Yekaterinburg cellar and received an improper burial. Their bodies were dug up in 1991 and were re-buried on July 17, 1998...exactly 80 years after their deaths.