Date Rape

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate May 2001

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"DATE RAPE" DRUG The "date rape" drug is a nickname for the drug called Rohypnol. The reason it is called date rape is Girls and women around the country have reported being raped after being involuntarily exposed with rohypnol. The way they are exposed to it is, it is slipped into their drink by an attacker. The drug has no taste or odor so the victims don't realize what is happening. After about ten minutes after ingesting the drug, the woman may feel dizzy and light-headed, they become either too hot or too cold, or nauseated. It may be difficult for the woman to speak or move, and eventually, they will pass out. The victims have no memories of what happened while under the drug's influence.

Rohypnol is also generically called flunitrazepam is known for its abuse as a "date rape" drug. It is used as an illicit drug because it mixed in with other deadly drugs.

The other drugs are heroin, cocaine, and alcohol. A lot of nicknames for the drug is rophies, roofies, R2, roofenol, Roche, roacchies, la rocha, rope, rib, circles, Mexican valium, roach-2, roopies, and ropies.

The drug is illegal in the United States. People usually sneak it in from other countries through mail service, or through illegal services. Anyone that is caught with rohypnol will go directly to prison. It is illegal and very dangerous.

Rohypnol usually bothers your impaired judgement and impaired motor skills and can make a victim unable to resist a sexual attack. When rohypnol is mixed in with alcohol, it is doubled the danger than what it already is by itself. When it is taken with alcohol, it will begin within thirty minutes of taking it. It can last up to eight hours. Some people have "blackouts" lasting up to twenty-four hours. Other effects of rohypnol include decreased blood pressure, memory impairment, drowsiness, visual disturbances, dizziness, confusion, gastrointestinal disturbances and urinary retention.

Rohypnol is not really common in the bay area, but it is used out here. The most commonly place it is used in California is Los Angeles. Just because it is said that it is not used in the bay area, doesn't mean it's not out here. It is. On February 9, 2001, there was a young 17 year-old girl out of Emeryville, who was at a "Rave" and someone put the pill in her drink and she was brutally raped by 7 teenagers. All in which she went to school with and called herself "close to." Women need to watch out for this drug cause it is getting more and more popular as time goes on. It is important for everyone to know about this drug and what it is capable of doing. There is no way to express how important this information is. It is dangerous, deadly and dead wrong. It is used in other countries as a sleeping pill.