David and Mephibosheth

Essay by DebplumHigh School, 11th gradeA+, March 2008

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In the book of 2nd Samuel you are introduced to Mephibosheth. When you read about Mephibosheth you about able to find out a few things about him, and also see symbolism between himself and David. When you look at this story, you can see as David Christ figure for many reasons.

Mephibosheth is the son of Jonathan, and grandson of Saul. He was five years old when his father and grandfather were killed in the Battle of Mount Gilboa. When the nurse heard of this she fled with Mephibosheth from Gibeah, and stumbled in her hurriedness, dropping the child on the ground, and he became crippled (2 Samuel 4:4). He was carried to the land of Gilead, where he found a refuge in the house of Machir, where he was brought up.

The second time we are introduced to Mephibosheth, it is in 2nd Samuel 9:1, David went to the house of Machir remembering the convent that was made.

David adopted Mephibosheth as his own son, to eat with him at his table for the rest of his life. David is seen to be the, big king over the country, the one that was much known to everybody, but Mephibosheth on the other hand was very different. Mephibosheth was living in the house of Machir, known to just the people around him, but David still knew about him. When you look at physical appearance you see that David is the nice, healthy, nice looking person, however Mephibosheth was the crippled one that need helped. You can look at it as Jesus being the good person that is coming to help out everybody that is “crippled”.

The relationship between David and Mephibosheth is meant to portray a picture of the relationship between God and us. Mephibosheth walked in fellowship with and had a relationship with David. David showed mercy and grace to the outcast like Jesus did upon the cross (Ephesians 1:7). People who were once hiding from God, broken fearful and confused now can have an intimate relationship with Christ (1 Timothy 1:14). Mephibosheth had nothing, and could repay nothing he was uninhabited yet David set his heart on him. Just Jesus delivered us and blessed us with heavenly riches that we have not earned nor deserve (Titus 3:5). There is no way to pay back our Lord for his graciousness. David restored Mephibosheth to a place of honor like Christ has restored our relationship with the Father (Psalm 23:3). When Mephibosheth “deceived” David, it is like us sinning against the Lord, but he still spares us.

When you look at it Mephibosheth (which means big shame) was crippled, was poor, he had nothing. He was living off of somebody else: Makir, the son of Ammiel. We know that Mephibosheth was a fugitive who ran from justice and lived away from people in the remote town of Lo Debar; Mephibosheth was a natural enemy of David, since he was a descendent of Saul. Finally, we must note that Mephibosheth was, in essence a forgotten man, but David came and showed his love to him because of the covenant that you made with his father. You also notice that when Mephibosheth approaches David he say’s “don’t be afraid” (2 Samuel 9: 7). This symbolism points to the relationship between God and every sinner.

This is what God does for us also. God himself takes the initiative to save us. Mephibosheth being is speaking about the truth that every sinner is without strength, without moral ability to do what God wants us to do. “Don’t be afraid,” This is what God says to every sinner who is convicted of his sin, and knows that he is a lost sinner. So, when you take the time to look at it we were Mephibosheths, lost, miserable, people, but God receives us and gives us great dignity of being sons and daughters of him.

The Holy Bible, King James Version.

La Habra, Ca, 1973.