As Days Accumulate.......

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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As Days Accumulate"¦"¦.

As days accumulate to years, green leaves turn golden brown and yellow, light turns to darkness, and the world continues to rotate. These changes are tangible and can be measured accordingly to scientific calculations. These are, however, changes that are not as readily evident, for they occur within one's spirit. "It is often confusing and frightening to make a shift away from familiar order to embrace the unknown." Relationships of today's society are always shifting, making it difficult to fully understand certain aspects of life. Growing maturely means growing apart and leaving for college means being independent. Lastly, death is another change we all have to deal with. Life is complex to comprehend because, things are steadily changing.

Death, for instance, is a concept that all people must face. There is no escaping death, for it is inevitable. Yet, we try so hard to prolong life.

As humans we're enabled by modern technology to increase the years of life we have. That is not possible in reality. However, we have realized, from the mistakes of the previous generations, that this dream of longer life is far from becoming a reality.

When you are in adolescence, you think of your parents and others around you as immortals. As you grow older and experience death, you realize death is real. It will come to you and everyone else. Life isn't forever. But, "death is simply another way the nature of life calls upon us to shift, change perspective, reach, and grow to new heights of consciousness.

Another concept of change that we engage in is growing mature. Growing mature means growing apart from certain things whether they are physically or mentally. A physical maturation involves hormonal changes that are in our genetics. Young people go through puberty; girls go through menstrual cycles as boys grow taller and their voices deepen. While you are growing up you are accustomed to certain beliefs, but eventually when you leave your home you encounter other beliefs, faiths, and traditions. You will start to gain your own opinions. Growing maturely is mainly that; getting a sense of self and your own ideas.

Lastly, leaving for college and becoming independent means straying away from the structure and direction of your parents. You can no longer lean on your parents for solutions to your problems. When you leave you have to become an adult and accept the responsibilities of an adult. It is, as a naïve eighteen year old hard to understand that you are on your own now. The guidance of parents is only there to lead you in the right direction for tomorrow, as you will need it.

Days accumulated to years, green leaves turned golden brown and yellow, light turned to darkness, and the world continued to rotate. These changes are tangible and were measured accordingly to scientific calculations. These are, however, changes that are not as readily evident, for they occurred within one's spirit. Relationships of today's society are always shifting, making it difficult to fully understand certain aspects of life. "No matter how difficult, challenging, or hard it may seem, shifts are necessary when the time comes to free ourselves from the confinement of mental, emotional, or physical boxes. Life, is still complex to comprehend because"¦ things are steadily changing.