DBQ (Illiad & Gita)

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade September 2001

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An epic is poetic type writing with great length to it. It has many different characters and always tells a heroic story with a moral at the end. They often tell ancient folk stories and the poetic rhyme helps the story to be remembered as it is passed down from generation to generation.

Many values and ideals are taught to readers through these epics. The biggest thing that seams to stick out is the idea of fighting for honor. Even if it is against your will or wishes, you must fight, and if you die you die with great honor. There seams to be a great sense of pride in dieing when you are fighting for something that you believe in. It is also taught that the gods are a supreme type of being that is to be respected, looked up to, and that there orders and commands are to be followed precisely.

The biggest moral dilemmas in each epic seams to be the question of, to fight or not to fight in the battle. It is morally wrong to kill people and the main characters seam to not be to keen on the idea of going in and possibly getting killed. The dilemmas are pretty much solved when they realize that they have no choice but to fight. If they didn't fight, they would be ashamed and bring dishonor to their families. If they fight and lose or die, they will still have their honor because they gave their best effort and died fighting.

Both epics have very similar roles and obligations for the gods and the people. In the Iliad, the gods are high and respected and the people are obligated to please their gods and also to fight when it is requested of them. In the Gita, the gods are respected as well and are very eager to fight. The people are obligated to please their gods and must fight as well.