Dead Poets Society Id Ego Superego

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade October 2001

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Neil was dominated by his id when he decided to continue starring in the play. However, his life was greatly controlled by his ego and even more so by his superego. He obeyed both his parents and schoolmasters. He had little control over his own destiny. As his father emphasized, a lot was sacrificed to get him into the prestigious school he attended. He gave up the school paper at his father's insistence to focus more on his schoolwork and unnecessary extra curricular activities. Although his schoolwork was important to him, so was his overwhelming desire to star in the local theater production. As a person who for most of his life had been dominated by ego and superego, Neil found it difficult to forget what had been instilled in him. He went ahead and starred in the play, regardless of the consequences. In this situation, Neil was dominated by his id to the point where he simply didn't care what transpired.

He knew what he wanted and wouldn't let anything or anyone get in the way of that.

Todd was dominated by his ego when he stood on his desk to honor his "captain." Throughout Dead Poets Society, Todd was very shy and for the most part kept to himself, turning down invitations to join the other boys. He is plagued by expectations set by an older brother who excelled in both sports and academics. Every so often, we need inspiration, someone to give us a pat on the back, to push us to do our best. For Todd, this someone was Mr. Keating. He encouraged his students to follow their dreams and to be the best that they could possibly be. Like the boys, he too had attended that school and he knew what everyone's expectations were. When Mr. Keating was fired at the boys expense, Todd felt horribly. He wanted to express his regret over what had happened. He knew that if he called out in class he would be punished. At this point, he went against his superego and stood up on his desk calling out "O' Captain, my Captain." This is a good of ego overpowering superego. He knew it was the right thing to do and went ahead with it. Like Neil, the consequences that would follow were not important to him, the right thing was.

Cameron was dominated by his superego when he "finked" on the other members of the Dead Poets Society. Cameron was one to follow rules. He didn't want to risk his future over what the others saw as the right thing to do. Telling the administrators who the members were and what inspired them to resurrect the Dead Poets Society was the easy way out for Cameron and in his eyes a way to avoid trouble for them all. He seems genuine about his concern for the others, but in reality he only wanted to save himself from expulsion. He didn't care that Mr. Keating would be fired. Pressures from his parents overshadowed the pressure from his peers and any feelings of his own were put on the back burner. His superego overpowered his ego and the result was the firing of Mr. Keating and the loss of friendships that should have lasted a lifetime.