Death The 1st Choice

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2008

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Suicide is the leading cause of death among teens and the very old.Sucide is a dark sickness infecting our society many many people feel depresed all the time.Depression hits hard especially when it comes to teens. more and more teens are becoming manic depressents. in a recent pole four out of ten teens felt depressed.Thats forty percent.Suicide is the leading cause of death among teens and the very old.Sucide is a dark sickness infecting our society many many people feel depresed all the time.Depression hits hard especially when it comes to teens. more and more teens are becoming manic depressents. in a recent pole four out of ten teens felt depressed.Thats forty percent.Suicide is the leading cause of death among teens and the very old.Sucide is a dark sickness infecting our society many many people feel depresed all the time. Depression hits hard especially when it comes to teens.

more and more teens are becoming manic depressents. in a recent pole four out of ten teens felt depressed. Thats forty percent. Suicide is the leading cause of death among teens and the very old.Sucide is a dark sickness infecting our society many many people feel depresed all the time.Depression hits hard especially when it comes to teens. more and more teens are becoming manic depressents. in a recent pole four out of ten teens felt depressed.Thats forty percent.Suicide is the leading cause of death among teens and the very old.Sucide is a dark sickness infecting our society many many people feel depresed all the time.Depression hits hard especially when it comes to teens. more and more teens are becoming manic depressents. in a recent pole four out of ten teens felt depressed.Thats forty percent.