Death Be Not Proud by John Gunther

Essay by rainiemeimeiHigh School, 11th gradeA+, June 2009

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Life and DeathJust as people are given the opportunity to live and thrive, people naturally, and inevitably must experience death. The book Death Be Not Proud, written by John Gunther is a story about John's brother, Johnny, and how his life plays out and ends. Gunther writes this book to provide other people who must suffer similar pains a sense of hope and sympathy. Death comes in many forms - some more painful than others, but it is important to remember that regardless of what may happen, the ending to everyone's life is death. The protagonist in this story, Johnny Gunther suffers a series of illnesses throughout his life. John and Frances, Johnny's ex wife, after having to watch Johnny suffer and eventually die, learns a lot about life and death.

Johnny Gunther is a high school student who is determined, optimistic, and intelligent. After an illness lasting for about fifteen months, his life inevitably comes to an end.

The first sign of his illness was a stiff neck, discovered during his spring break. It is believed that Johnny has been diagnosed with a lethal tumor. Even with operations, Johnny's condition just continues to worsen as the days go by, but he remains optimistic about it. The tumor grows bigger, and in the beginning, he is still able to endure the pain and live life to its fullest. As the symptoms become more severe and unavoidable, his physical activities are restricted, and he is treated with mustard gas, which supposedly improves tumors. Although the mustard gas improves his conditions temporarily, he still ends up being even worse than before, this time having to be on Gerson diet. Despite the fact that his sickness is worsening, Johnny still keeps his head up high and wishes to continue with school and earn a living. His teachers are surprised that he is still alive, even through all the pain he has had to endure. One day, Johnny suffers a severe amnesia attack. He is then sent to the hospital once again, being treated extensively with medications. This time, it wasn't enough. He eventually grows weak and sleeps, never waking up again. Frances regrets not loving him treasuring his existence.

This book demonstrates various essential themes that relate well to society today. Because everybody must experience death, everyone must experience pain. However, the pain can be lessened by loving instead of hating, and simply treasuring every little thing in life. Because life is only temporary, it is important to live it to the fullest and be happy, and try to spread happiness around. The quote, "You never know what you've got until it's gone" comes into mind after reading this book, because it is easy to overlook and disregard the existence of someone when he/she is still alive, but it's also easy to feel regret over not doing more for that person after his/her death. Because it is so easy to take things and people for granted, books like this one serve as a friendly reminder to readers the importance of loving and treasuring people while they still can.

BibliographyGunther, John. Death Be Not Proud. New York: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., 1980. Print.