Definition of Addiction

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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When most people think of addiction, they think of potheads and alcoholics. Although those are the most common types of addiction, there are also more bizarre things like sex addicts and gambling. In a sense, every person has a form of addiction. Whether to caffeine, or food, or cleaning, they are all small kinds of addiction. Like, if you do not have your daily dose of triple shot espresso in the morning, you will go insane, or whenever you feel an extreme emotion, you feel the urge to eat. There are some people who have extreme additions, that destroy families, demolish their former selves, and lose everything they ever had, just for a drink or a few hits. Having an addiction can scar a family and leave charred relationships in its wake. Most people dealing with addiction have done it for most of their lives, and have no intention of stopping, or even realize that they have a problem.

Denial is normal in such situations. Because they deny that anything is wrong, the other party in the relationship begins to question their own habits. Growing up with a drug-addicted father, I would always wonder why dad didn't join us in meals and trips. He would always seem removed and irritated, especially when questioned about his actions. I grew to accept this as the norm, not knowing all people didn't act this way. I also found traces of his behavior in my personality, which I grew to hate. Addiction, in its many forms, can spiral out of control if the problem is not addressed. Everything should be enjoyed in moderation and it can become hard to see through the clouded mind of an addict who may be totally oblivious to any problems that their actions may be doing to others and especially themselves. It may start out as small as a morning cup of coffee or one marijuana joint. This person may use the coffee every morning claiming, "This just gives me a jump start to get motivated.", or smoke marijuana only when they are around friends. Next, these same people will begin smoking marijuana when no one else is around or skipping school and work to indulge. This then becomes a psychological issue. The person then believes they cannot function without this substance and may go as far as faking an illness or believe they actually have something physically wrong as an excuse to use. This person is addicted, point blank.