
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate September 2001

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Tori Greenslate 02.28.01 Sencond Period I. Acceleration = Increase of speed.

II. Velocity = Distance divided by time with direction.

III. Speed = distance divided by time with no direction.

IV. Mechanical Advantage = The property where force is multiplied to make work more easy to do.

V. Efficiency = The relationship between work output and work input.

VI. Rolling friction = as an object rolls it slows due to the contact with the opposing surface.

VII. Sliding friction = as an object slides it slows due to contacting with the opposing surface.

VIII. Fluid friction = The friction made when moving through fluid or gases.

IX. Incline plane = A tilted surface which allows loads to be lifted in small increments.

X. Wedge = An incline plane used to split wood or to fit into crevasses.

XI. Wheel & Axis = a simple machine that is a circle rotating around a point.

XII. Rope & Pulley = A simple machine that is used to lift loads or move cars.

XIII. Newton = The metric unit of force.

XIV. Joule = The metric unit of work.

XV. Work = Force times distance.

XVI. Power = The amount of work done in a amount of time.

XVII. Kilogram = the metric unit of weight or mass.

XVIII. Meter = A metric unit of distance measurement.

XIX. Liter = A metric measurement of liquid.

XX. Momentum = Mass times velocity.

XXI. Inertia = The tendency of an object to continue moving or stay @ rest.

XXII. Centripetal force = The force which keeps you pulled toward the center during a turn.

XXIII. Centrifugal force = The inertial force which throws you to the outside during a turn.

XXIV. Center of gravity = the point @ which all the mass of an object can be considered to be @.

XXV. Gravity = The attractive force between to objects with mass.

XXVI. Newton's 1st law = The idea that an object @ rest will stay @ rest unless moved XXVII. Newton's 2nd law = Mass times acceleration.

XXVIII. Newton's 3rd law = For every action there is n equal and opposite reaction.

XXIX. Watt = The metric unit of power.

XXX. Terminal velocity = Velocity @ which objects cannot go beyond due to liquid friction.

XXXI. Rube Gold Machine = An overly complex device for a simple task.

XXXII. Sir Isaac Newton = A British scientist who developed the fields of physics and light.

XXXIII. Bernoulli = A Swiss scientist who developed theorys of physics of flight.

XXXIV. Gravitation Acceleration Equation = 2d/t2= G.

XXXV. Seconds = The metric measurement of time.

XXXVI. Physics = The study of how things move.

XXXVII. Motion = The movement of from one position to another.

XXXVIII. Distance = The length from one point to another.

XXXIX. Deceleration = The slowing or reduction your velocity.