Did you ever here of the name John Chambers before?

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Did you ever here of the name John Chambers before? Well if you haven't you'll find out who John Chambers is and what he does. You'll find out more about his personality and his great success to the computer world.

John Chambers was born in Charleston West Virginia. Both of his parents were doctors, his father was a gynecologist, and mother was a family doctor. He had two sisters. Him and his sisters were grown up in a tightly knit family. He enjoys fishing and singing in the church choir. John graduated high school as salutatorian. He has a mild case of dyslexia, which he is fighting throughout his years of working and giving public speeches and presentations. John has overcome the dyslexia although he still doesn't like long letters, memos, etc… He would rather have a verbal conversation. All of the speeches that he presents are memorized and not written down.

John married his high school sweetheart Elaine Prater and they had two children named John Jr. (son), and Lindsay (daughter). He went to West Virginia to earn a degree in law.

I'm sure that we all heard the name Cisco before. Without Cisco the Internet could not function as well as it does today. When John Chambers started working for them he was second in command to a guy by the name of John Morgridge. Their annual revenue was 70 million dollars, a market John Chambers capitalization of 600 million dollars and they had employed 300 people. When he took over as President in 1995 he was 50 years old and has built the Internet powerhouse to over 18 billion dollars in revenue, had a market capitalization of 444 billion and had employed 31,000 people. They are just behind GE and Intel but ahead of Microsoft, which is the worlds most valuable company. Now them numbers will change various times. Just last March Cisco had boomed up to 555 billion, which pushed everyone aside making Cisco, the worlds most valuable company. It took Microsoft a half a century to make it to the top where as it only took Cisco 16 years.

Nearly 80 percent of all the switches and routers out there today bear the Cisco imprint. Cisco also makes most of the networking gear that companies rely on to speed up corporate networks. Basically what I am saying is that Cisco is to networking as Bill Gates is to Windows.

John Chambers is Cisco's third CEO but Cisco bears his indelible stamp. Mr. Chambers has been known throughout America as being Americas best boss. He was on Regis and Kelly (the popular TV show) where they showed the people how good John treated his employees. They showed how when one of John's employees has a birthday he takes them out to dinner or buys them a cake. It also shows how he brings snacks in for the John Chambers people for no reason at all except to be nice. They also interviewed a few of Johns Employees. They all said that they wouldn't want to work anywhere else just because of the great boss that they have. During the stock market drop this year Cisco was laying some of its employees off. John took a pay cut that lowered his salary down to one dollar a year just to save a few peoples jobs. Chambers is all about putting the worker and the customer first rather than himself.

Throughout this report you see how John Chambers has been a successful businessman but, Its time you learn about the personal life of John Chambers. John loves to go fishing with his retired father. He also enjoys vacationing on the Carolina beaches with his family and friends. He has a very hectic life, being that he receives anywhere from 100 to 400 emails per day, but still manages time to spend with his wife and kids.

As you can see John Chambers has a very busy and productive life including his job, wife and family. He plans on retiring from Cisco someday but doesn't plan on sitting around all day. After he retires his plans are to teach young kids. He says that his life wouldn't be worth anything if he could not give back for what he ahs done. He also says that he enjoys teaching and kids enjoying hearing his stories about his great achievment.