Digestive System Track

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorJunior High, 9th grade February 2008

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First take a bite, and chew which will use mechanical digestion and the enzyme amylase will help dissolve the food and the saliva, from the saliva gland, will help swallow the food thorough the pharynx. The Pharynx is located at the back of the mouth, the dorsal of the tounge. The bolus, which is the ball of food, goes here before it goes to the esophaga, the digestive and respiratory track meet here. The Esophagus is about 22 cm long. The persitalsis will move the food down with the muscle contractions. The ring muscle, spincter, will control the food movement down to the stomach. Then the food goes to the stomach which is a ?J? shaped sac which is in the enterior abdominal cavity. The stomach is also muscular. Three glands in the stomach will produce gastrict fluids which are: Mucus, Pepsin, and HCl. HCI is the acid in the stomach, the Pepsin digests the protein into small polypeptides.

And the Mucus lubricates the stomach. Next there is the small intestine, and it is 7 cm long. The glands in duodenum peptidase that have protein help the digestion. Maltase, Lactose, Galactose, and the Sucrose help to digest sugars. The pancreas and Gall bladder will contribute enzymes into small intestines through ducts. The Gall Bladder stores the bile, while the liver produces it. There are four pancreas enzymes: Amlase, Lipase, Pepsin, and Trapsin. Pepsin and Trapsin are both proteins. Lipase is the fats, and the Amlase is a carbohydrate. Then we go to the large intestine which mainly releases the water. The water will absorb the vitamins. Then the final step of digestion is in the Anus. The anus is where all the solid waste is eliminated from the body.