What do I think of the RA position right now?

Essay by ndawg012College, Undergraduate March 2008

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What do I think of the RA position right now? What direction is it heading? What is my favorite part? What is my least favorite part? Describe yourself. What are your limitations? What can you bring to the table? What are your goals? What kind of leader are you?The resident advisor position holds a great deal of importance. The RA is a positive resource, influence, and character which hold significant responsibility to the building and people who live there. The RA should be available and resourceful when dealing with residents. Resident advisor's should have an in-depth knowledge of the school as well as corresponding events and programs.

In the last semester I have seen a positive change in the direction and focus of ResLife. I found that training sessions were well thought out and presented. Opportunities for input were available always. Resident advisors engaged in discussion about not only the buildings and individual situations, but how their role fits in to real world application.

This position is valuable and advantageous. The experience from this position holds value to the college student. The benefits for the residents are seen through the individual RA’s effort. Res Life is specifically focusing resources toward students in different years. I have seen research presented at training reinforcing what we know and adding many new ideas into our programming.

My least favorite part of being an RA is the paperwork and deadlines. These are required for the job and I have improved on this, however it is still more important to me that my objectives are complete than documented. I have learned from this and applied it as an RA.

I’m a student. I came here without a clue as to my direction or stance on life. In the two and a half years previous, I have learned a lot and grown significantly in many aspects of my life. This university has given me significant education and opportunity already. I hope to be able to relate many of the resources and people I have connected with to my residents.

My limitations are limited and usually relate to some sort of financial burden. I am confident in my future. I am inexperienced in the pursuit; however I have the character to persist, solve, and live.

My personality is centered with my thinking. I am an introverted individual naturally however in small groups and situations in which my knowledge is significant I am extroverted. I can bring the critical thinking aspect to the table to come up with new ideas and move Res Life forward.

My goals are general rather than completely defined. I tend to follow my interests and do as many good things as I can. I hope to improve consistently throughout my life to reach my potential.

I am the type to lead with my reasoning and logic. I look objectively at issues at hand and consider my options before I act. I then choose the most reasonable solution and implement the process. I don’t need to be in the spotlight; however I like to be generating ideas for the program.