Double Genre in On Wiesel's Night

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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The holocaust was a devastating time in history.

During this time the Jews felt a great deal of afflictionand millions of them were killed. The poem "We will never forget Aushwitz" by Alexander Kimel and "On Wiesel's Night" by Thomas E. Thorton use the poetic elements symbolism, imagery, and metaphor to show the monstrosity of the holocaust.

In the poem "On Wiesel's Night" by Thomas E. Thorton, Thorton says he cannot teach the novel Night by Elie Wiesel. Thorton uses the image of people being turned into smoke and riding the wind to show how the Jews were incinerated and killed for no reason. Thorton acquaints the baton used in Night for selections and uses a metaphor to compare it to a pointer of death because it pointed to death or work in the novel. Thorton also uses symbolism and shows the bouncing baton bouncing from left to right and how it hurt him emotionally by saying it stabbed him in the heart.

"We will never forget Aushwitz" by Alexander Kimel manifests the destruction of the holocaust. In this poem Kimel compares the nefarious of Aushwitz to the Devil and hell itself. Kimel uses the term Jackal which symbolizes the Nazis and how they felt no sorrow doing the devils work. Kimel uses substantial imagery in this line "The heavy door closes and the cyclone dropped" to paint a disturbing picture in the readers head and it is referring to the crematory. Kimel uses the three elements to show how Aushwitz created a living hell for the Jews.

"We will never forget Auschwitz" by Alexander Kimel and "On Wiesel's Night" by Thomas E. Thorton taught me multifarious things. It taught me how excruciating the Holocaust was for the Jews and how devil like the Nazis were. These poets taught me how amoral the holocaust was because both poems are really powerful and make me feel like I was living the same nightmare the Jews lived through. I cannot make a comparison in any way because the Holocaust is the ultimate nightmare that no one dares to live.

In conclusion, the Holocaust was a devastating time in history. During this time Millions of Jews were killed under the reign of Adolf Hitler. The poems "We will never forget Auschwitz" by Alexander Kimel and "On Wiesel's Night" by Thomas E. Thorton depict the Torment the Jews went through by the poetic elements of symbolism, imagery, and metaphor. The Holocaust was probably the most tragic and horrible time in history because millions of Jews were slaughtered for no reason. It is a nightmare that no one would want to go through.