Dream For The U.s

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Dreams for the U.S I had a dream that one day the U.S will take over the world. I have a dream that we will lower taxes and prices on items. I have a dream that our nation will become peaceful. I have a dream that we will win gold in every category in the Olympics.

What has happened on September 11 was really bad and I hope we get revenge on those people . I hope we get revenge but also to make sure this never happens again. Yes, I really hope this never happens again. I also hope we go to war with Iraq because they are just as bad.

I wish the U.S will try to limit the drunk driving. I also hope we can limit stealing and murders. Someday I hope the U.S will raise the speed limit. One day I hope the we will find a new way for transportation.

I hope the U.S will invent a new type of war plane. I hope they will invent some sort of new gun. I dream they will make some sort of new chopper. I dream they will make a new type of ship.

If all of my dreams came true it would be great, it would help the country a lot. If my dream about drunk driving would come true that would help big time. If raising the speed limit would come true that would not help. That's all I got to say about my dream for the U.S