
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate September 2001

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Drugs: any chemical that affects living processes except those needed to maintain normal health *Toxin (even water is toxin especially drugs) Parkinson's disease: neurological disease (brain is not making a chemical named dopamine) Drugs are called psychotropic- drugs that use to alter psychological processes (behavior, emotions, thoughts, and perception).

Psychoactive- used for some other effects but have psychotropic affect Drug Names (most drugs will have three different names) 1. all drugs will have a chemical name, a name that describe the structure, atom the drug has ex).2-chloro-10-(3-dimethylaminopropyphe-nothiazine) 2. generic name- adopted names council ) organization of medical and pharmacist) = coin the drugs to be generic; outside the states have been working together to use similar generic name ex).Chlorpromazine 3. many have three names = brand name trade name proprietary name name by pharmaceutical when they sell them ex). Trade name when market in France = Largactil; in the United States = Torazine Drug Classifications 1.

mechanism of action 2. chemical structure 3. abuse potential 4. use Mechanism of action What a drug is doing molecular level of the body Ex). Monoaminoxidase inhibitors *inhibit amino; its an enzyme;prevent the enzyme from working; anti-depressant drugs (it is old and rarely used) Chemical Structure Relationship b/t the structure and the activity of the body a. structure/activity relationship b. isomers: drugs that have the same molecular formula but different spatial arrangements of atoms c. optical isomers **Dextrorototory (D) = right rotation **Levorototory(L) = left rotation d. racemic mixture = both D and L in it e. stereospecificity = one of isomer is more active than the other Abuse potentials Federal government uses Schedule of controlled substance a. 5 schedule or categories b. consideration: 1. Addictive potential of drug 2. medical usefulness Use 1. sedative-hypnotics: produces sleep a. alcohol (widely use and legal) addictive compound, physical dependence (dangerous), highly toxic if overdose b. barbituates ("Barbara urinate") c. chloral hydrate (date rape drink), paraldehyde, Bromides, Quaalue (trade name) (widely used in 19th century (1800) 2. Anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) Sedate and put to sleep a. Benzodiazepine "“ used to treat anxiety, addictive substance Trade name = Valium Generic name = Diazepam 3. Stimulants Major stimulants a. cocaine b. amphetamines ex). Methylphenidate (generic) Ritalin (trade) Minor stimulants c. Methylxanthines- most widely use worldwide== caffeine d. Nicotine 4. Narcotic (related to opium) a. morphine b. heroine 5. Perceptual Distorters (hallucinogens, distort perception) a. Monamine- related drugs Ex). LSD, ecstasy, MDA (love drug) b. Marijuana: a-motivational syndrome- loss of motivation c. Anticholinergics d. Dissociative Anesthetics "“ were used for animal tranquilizer (PCD/Phencyclidine "angel dust") = produce bizarre behavior 6. Neuroleptic (anti-psychotics) - Chlorpromazine 7. Antidepressants - Prozac (trade name) - Fluoxetine (generic name) 8. Antimanics - Lithium