El Bronx

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate December 2001

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The six stories chosen for the Comparative paper are "Princess", "The Wrong Lunch Line", "Love with Aleluya", "To Tell The Truth", "A Lesson in Fortune Telling", and "Mrs. Mendelsohn". All of these six stories are found in the Anthology El Bronx Remembered.

"Wrong Lunch Line" is a story about two girls that go to school together. The two girls want to eat together but they can't because one of the girls is Jewish.

The characters in the story are: Yvette, Mildred the Jewish girl, and Mrs. Ralston.

There is one kind of conflict in the story, and it is a mental conflict between Yvette, Mildred, and Mrs. Ralston about breaking the school rules.

The theme of this story is that people from different religions can be friends. Another theme is that kids could get over disappointments faster than adults do.

The second story "A Lesson in Fortune Telling" Is about a new girl that becomes popular, because she could read palms, and one day she takes some kids' money so that she could read their palms.

Jasmine cheats them and leaves and she is never seen again.

The main characters in the story are: Jasmine, Hanibal, Joey and Jasmine's mother Marie.

The conflict of the story is a conflict of ideas with Jasmine and the rest of the kids because Jasmine took Joey, Hanibal, and Joey's money and she left without reading their fortune.

The theme of the story is that people will take advantage of a person and one should be careful about trusting people, and one can see this because Jasmine tried to cheat her friends.

The third story "Princess" is about a girl named Judy that lives near a grocery store where there is a pet name Princess. Judy will go everyday and visit her and she will take her for a walk around the park. One day there is an argument between Judy's mother and the owners of the store, Mr. & Mrs. Osvaldo because Judy's mother had bought a can of beans that were rotten to her and fine to him. So Judy's mother gave the rotten beans to Princess to see if they were really rotten, and the next day Princess died.

The characters in the story are: "Princess, Judy's mother, Judy, and Mr. & Mrs. Osvaldo.

The first conflict in the story is a conflict with nature when "Princess" dies because she eats spoiled beans. A second conflict is an idea conflict between Judy's mother and Mr. Osvaldo about the rotten beans.

The theme of the story is that people treat their pets and love them as if they were humans.

The fourth story "Love with Aleluya" is about two boys that are friends and fall in love with a girl that goes to church very often. The boys go to the church that Serafina goes to just get closer to her.

The characters in the story are: Hannibal, Joey, Serafina, the three girls Ramona, Mary, and Casilda. Juan, Josefo, Ralphy, and Perry.

There are two kinds of conflicts in the story. And one is a verbal conflict between Joey and Hannibal. It occurs when Joey and Hannibal should or should not go to this church. There is also an internal conflict with in Hannibal if he should or should not ask Serafina out.

The theme of this story is that boys will do anything to get close to the girl they like. And we see this when Joey and Hannibal go to the church to see what Serafina does in the church to see if she notices them.

The fifth story "Mr. Mendelsohn" is about this old man that always goes to a neighbor house every Saturday to eat. He goes because he can't cook, at his house because it is against his religion. Then because of this, he canceled his gas service. Since then he is always invited to Mrs. Suarez's house to eat. So he moves away from the neighborhood that he had lived for a long period of time. And he moves into a nursing home at the end the man dies, but Mrs. Suarez's family never found out that Mr. Mendelsohn.

The characters in the story are: Mr. Mendelsohn, Mrs. Suarez, Tato his best friend. Yvonne, Julio, Marta, George, Sara and Jennie.

There are two kinds of conflicts in the story. The first one is an internal conflict and it's within Mr. Mendelsohn and it occurs when Mr. Mendelsohn must decide whether or not to move to a nursing home. The second conflict is a mental conflict between Mr. Mendelsohn and Mrs. Suarez, and we see this when Mrs. Suarez was trying to get Mr. Mendelsohn to eat the Puerto Rican chicken that she cooked for dinner.

The theme of this story is that Elder people are very lonely. And we see this when Mr. Mendelsohn is sitting in Mrs. Suarez's chair and he is saying that here he can sleep very comfortable and that no one will bother him.

"To Tell the Truth" is a story about a girl name Vikki and she knows something about her mother. So she is in a lawyer's office and he is trying to know what she knows. So he keeps asking Vikki what she knows and she said, "I don't know anything". Later on she sees her mother and she asked her what she told him and she said, I didn't say anything".

The main characters in the story are: Victoria, Mr. Crane the lawyer, and Victoria's mother.

There are two kinds of conflicts in the story. There's a mental/idea conflict and it occurs between Vikki and Mr. Crane. When he is trying to get information out of Vikki about her mother. The second conflict is an internal conflict within Vikki, and it occurs when Mr. Crane is trying to get information out of Vikki and she doesn't know if she should tell him or to keep quite like her mother told her to.

The theme of this story is family confidents, and we see this when Mr. Crane keeps asking Vikki what she knows about her mother and she said, "I don't know anything I don't want to know anything".

These six short stories from the Anthology El Bronx Remembered all deal with young people living in an ethic environment. These young people share the same joys, sorrows, hardships, disappointments and frustrations that are experienced by all young people regardless of race, ethic origen or location.