Eric: Hey, it's the quiet ones you gotta watch out

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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Eric: Hey, it's the quiet ones you gotta watch out for. I mean, hey, man, she might put it on a brother like a pop tart.

Jamie: In fact, there are some things that can be called miraculous.

Einstein said the more he studied the universe the more he believed in a higher power.

Dean: Well, if there is a higher power, then why is it he can't get you a new sweater? Jamie: He's too busy looking for your brain.

Landon: Saturday. No school.

Jamie: Please don't pretend like you know me ok? Landon: But I do... I do. We've all the same classes and same school since kindergarten. Why you're Jamie Sullivan. You sit at lunch table 7. Which isn't exactly the reject table, but is definitely in south exile territory. You have exactly one sweater. You like to look at your feet when you walk. Oh, oh, and yeah, for fun you like to tutor on the weekends and hang out with the cool kids from the "Stars And Planets."

Now how does that sound? Jamie: Fairly predictable. Nothing I haven't heard before.

Landon: You don't care what people think about you? Jamie: No.

Sally: It's too late Tommy, I'm crazy about you. I'm breathing it, drinking it all in. Aren't you? Landon: Yeah, yeah, I don't know what I'm drinking doll face, but if this is love... pour me another glass? Ms. Garber: Mr. Carter, are you trying to be bad at this? Landon: Oh, no, just comes naturally.

Jamie: Ok, so you don't care about classes or graduating. But you like school because you're popular, and you'll never be on top again.

Landon: That's thoroughly predictable.

Jamie: Your act only works on an audience.

Jamie: 42...

Landon: 42. What... What do you mean 42? Jamie: 42 is befriend someone you don't like. It's a "To Do" list I have for my life.

Landon: What? Like getting a new personality? Jamie: Mmm... Spend a year in the peace corps, make a medical discovery, be in two places at once, get a tattoo...

Landon: I need help with my lines.

Jamie: Landon Carter is asking me for help? Landon: Yeah.

Jamie: Ok... I'll pray for you.

Jamie: You have to promise you won't fall in love with me.

Landon: That's not a problem.

Jamie: I have my beliefs. I have faith... but don't you? Landon: No, there's too much bad shit in this world.

Jamie: Without suffering there would be no compassion.

Landon: Yeah, well, tell that to those who suffer.

Jamie: Hey, Carter. So I'll see you after school? Landon: In your dreams.

Landon: Listen, Jamie, I was hoping we can run lines together.

Jamie: OK, but just not so anybody knows right? Clay: Did it hurt? Landon: Like hell.

Clay: Good.

Landon's Dad: Landon, don't walk away.

Landon: You taught me how.

Landon: Maybe I miss spending time with you. Maybe you inspire me.

Jamie: Sounds like bull.

Landon: Which part? Jamie: All of it.

Landon: Well, it's not.

Jamie: Prove it.

Jamie: You don't know what you want.

Landon: Niether do you. Maybe you're just too scared that someone might want to be with you.

Jamie: And why would that scare me? Landon: Because then you wouldn't be able to hide behind your books, or or or your freaking telescope. Or your faith. No, no, you know the real reason why you're scared? It's because you want to be with me too.

Eric: Mmm.. Now she got you listening to her people music.

Landon: OK, her people? Eric: Yeah, uh huh. Bible-hugging, crucifix-wearing, honk-if-you-love-Jesus people.

Landon: She's not like that.

Belinda: Jamie, you'd be so beautiful if you knew how to do your make up. Come on, eat lunch with me. Want a tic tac? Landon: Baby, baby, I'm sorry, OK? They're animals, alright? You want me to take you home? Landon: Listen, I'm sorry if I haven't treated Jamie the way I should've. She deserves more than that. I am just asking you for the same thing you teach us everyday in church, and that's faith.

Jamie: Would you like to dance? Landon: Uh, sorry. I don't dance.

Jamie: Me niether. I mean... Not usually in front of anybody.

Landon: Well, no. I mean... I don't.. at all. As in I can't.

Landon: Okay, right now you're straddling the state line.

Jamie: Okay..? Landon: You're in two places at once.

Jamie: How can you see places like this... and have moments like this... and not believe? Landon: You're lucky to be so sure.

Jamie: It's like the wind. I can't see it, but I feel it.

Landon: I might kiss you.

Jamie: I might be bad at it.

Landon: It's not possible.

Landon: Jamie... I love you.......... Now would be the time to say something.

Jamie: I told you not to fall in love with me.

Jamie: I love him.

Reverend Sullivan: Then be fair to him Jamie, before things get worse.

Jamie: Are you trying to seduce me? Landon: Why? Are you seducible? Jamie: So why am I looking for this star? Landon: Because I had it named for you.

Landon: See, it's official. It's from the International Star Registry.

Landon: So... what's your number one? Jamie: To marry in the church where my mother grew up. It's where my parents were married.

Landon: Mama, Jamie has faith in me. You know? She makes me want to be different. Better.

Landon: So why didn't you tell me? Jamie: The doctor said I should go on and live life normally as best I could. I didn't want anybody to be weird around me.

Landon: Including me?! Jamie: Especially you! You know I was getting along with everything just fine. I accepted it, and then you happened. I do not need a reason to be angry with God.

Landon: What's there to talk about? She's the best person I've ever known.

Landon: Are you scared? Jamie: To death... Lighten up.

Landon: It's not funny.

Jamie: I'm scared of not being with you.

Landon: Oh, baby, that'll never happen. Okay? I'll be here.

Reverend Sullivan: Do you remember when you were about 5 or 6? And you said you hated gravity, and you wanted to jump off the roof and fly? Jamie: I was so angry at you for making me come down.

Landon: What is a friend? A friend is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. Aristotle.

Landon: Know who you are and do it on purpose. Dolly Parton.

Jamie: I always thought she was smart.

Landon: Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful Jamie: Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself.

Like this journey never ends. Like you were sent to me because I'm sick. To help me through all this. You're my angel.

Landon: Do you love me? Will you do something for me then? Jamie: Anything.

Landon: Will you marry me? Landon: Jamie and I had a perfect summer together with more love than lots of people will know in a life time. And then she went, with her unfailing faith. It's been 4 years, and with the vision of Jamie walking towards me will stay with me forever.

Landon: Jamie saved my life. She taught me everything... about life, hope, and the long journey ahead. I'll always miss her... but her love is like the wind: I can't see it, but I can feel it.