ESL; How do I see America and Americans?

Essay by bukkakeHigh School, 10th grade March 2006

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Since my early teens I have had a keen interest on foreign cultures and customs, especially towards America. For instance, I can still remember all the war games me and my friends used to play after watching series on TV starring Chuck Norris, the legendary action star from Hollywood.

As the time has passed on and our games have advanced, I have become more aware of the backgrounds and people who have influenced the American way of life and standards of living.

Despite the fact that America is statistically the leading country in firearm homicides, I still love it. Not to mention all the overweight people in their small offices drooling after silicone-enhanced female celebrities, thousands of factories polluting the atmosphere around the clock and so on.

The phenomenon called American dream has changed a lot since it was invented back in time when people from Europe escaped their homes for better tomorrow and quality of life.

All the natural resources were untouched - this attracted gold diggers for a while who dreamed of getting rich through hard work. I think this quest for easy money is still going on, if the crime statistics are anything to go by.

True, America has its problems as a nation, but the amazing variety of people living under the commands of the president cannot be all that bad. Who could resist a warm, delicious apple pie with vanilla sauce or the great atmosphere on barbecue parties under the sun of California. Long live the Americans and their gun sports, liberty and justice for all.

Ever wondered why the Americans are good in shooting and the Africans good in running, in general ? Liberty and Justice for all.