Ethnogrophy On Hockey

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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Ethnography On The Game Of Hockey It started when I was only three years old. I entered into a large gray building and sat down on a nearby bench. My father reached into his big black bag and pulled out a pair of black and white size ten bauer hockey skates. He placed them upon my feet as I looked in confusion, I never had seen a pair of shoes look like that before. He began to lace them up tight one by one. My emotions were racing inside of me, both with the fear and excitement of not knowing what was going to happen next.

When my father was finished lacing up my skates he placed a long wooden object in my hand. We walked a short distance through a set of doors and then I saw it. My heart was pounding with excitement and my hands where shaking.

As I reached for my fathers hand, for support, I felt the cold wind pierce my face. There it was, the quest of our journey. Under the bright white lights stood a large white glistening ice surface called the "Hockey Arena".

Sixteen Years later I still feel that way when I enter the Arena to get prepared for the big game of the night. However, its not the support of my father anymore but the support of my coaches and fellow team mates. They physically prepare me and teach me strategies to achieve the goals that I desire not only as an individual, but also as a team player. I count on them to be there for me as I am there for them.

The Trail area, as well as my family, is extremely involved in sports, especially hockey. Hockey is my life. Hockey is the sport I was born into. It was the decision of my father to tie up those black and white Bauer skates when I was three. It is like an addiction. I love the game of hockey for many reasons. It's great fun and exciting. There is always new challenges that face you every time you step out onto the ice. The feeling of being part of a team and working hard together to achieve results is indescribable. Also the desire to win and become champions, whether it be the Stanley Cup or your local minor hockey league is a feeling all on its own.

Hockey is a very intense sport so you not only have to be mentally prepared but physically as well. Preparation does not happen only at the arena but at home as well. Before a game you are required to eat a good dinner with lots of carbohydrates, like pasta, to give you the energy needed. Also, you need to dress respectively because you are representing your team. You wear dress pants, dress shirt, dress shoes and a tie.

When you arrive at the arena you have to get changed into your uniform before going onto the ice to win the game. I start with a T-shirt and tight blue sweat pants, on top of that I put my jock strap. I tape shin pads to both my left and right leg, then blue and white striped socks go over top of them for protection. I tie up my black and white bauer skates just like my father did when I was little. Following my skates are my pants, shoulder pads and elbow pads. Finally I place over my equipment the symbol of the team I represent. It is blue, orange, and white and features a hawk holding a hockey stick between his claws. I place the helmet upon my head for protection and with my stick in hand I am ready for the challenge that awaits me.

When I skate onto the ice I remember how much I love the game of hockey. I skate around on the wet, cold ice and exhilaration builds up inside of me. Looking up into the stands and seeing all your dedicated fans cheering you on no matter if you win or loose builds the intensity. They play the Canadian national at the beginning of every game, so I line up on the blue line with five of my other team mates. When the anthem is over the ref blows his whistle for the game to begin. I place my stick on the ice and stair my challenger in the eyes. When he drops the puck the challenge begins.

We play three periods of twenty minutes each, for a total of sixty minutes. The object of the game is to put the puck in the other team's goal and keep it out of your own goal. It can be put in with a stick, bounded in off of a player from either team, or knocked in by the goalie. It can not be kicked in, or batted in by a high stick. To determine this there are three officials. One of them is a referee who calls all the penalties and must decide the legality of the goals. And two linesmen who determines off sides and icings, drops the puck for face-offs, chases the pucks after the play stops, and it is their job to break up fights while the referee decides the penalties.

When the periods are over we exit the ice surface and go back into our dressing room. The coach goes over and discusses situations that occurred in the period, both good and bad. He teaches us to learn from our mistakes by telling us the right approach that should be taken. When our fifteen minute intermission is through or the machine that cleans the ice, called a Zamboni, is finished we are back out there fighting for a win.

The most exciting thrill of the game I would say would be scoring a goal. This shows how the use of your skills you have learned throughout your hockey career enables you to beat the challengers ability to stop you. As Darwin states "only the strongest will survive" and it is the same in the game of hockey. The pressure builds up so much inside of you, you can hardly contain yourself because you are trying to be the best one out there. Your heart is beating a hundred times a minute and your adrenaline is pumping. When the goal actually happens it is a relief for both your team as well as yourself because it brings you one point closer to winning the game.

When the game is over we congratulate both our own team, as well as the challenging team. This shows a great source of sportsmanship and a respect for the game of hockey and the opposing team. No matter how old you are, what race you are, or where you live the game of hockey, or any other sport, is a great experience that everyone should have a chance to be a part of.