Evaluation On The Musketeer

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Vengeance seekers, D'Artagnan and Hamlet, in 'The Musketeer'-a movie based on the famous Dumas classic 'The Three Musketeer', and 'Hamlet' respectively, are mutually motivated by their father, one by his unjust death, the other by his unmerited death and his ghost's last will.

Both D'Artagnan and Hamlet plan their revenge carefully, but they have different methods- D'Artagnan's by keeping his head clear and alert, and Hamlet's by pretending to be mad as a ruse to further his emerging plan of revenge.

Most avengers are found to be masterminds at scheming. They have patience, which suppress them from jumping to conclusions; perfect timing, which prevents them from acting at the wrong time; and the ability to think on the spot, which would save them from being killed.

Both D'Artagnan and Hamlet qualifies more than most avengers, only the latter is not as good in comparison.

They take their time in avenging-D'Artagnan by waiting for fourteen years, during the course, he enriches his knowledge in life and skills in fencing, while Hamlet, takes the time to watch his uncle and plans the attack.

Neither party killed at first sight.

Quick thinking is one of their qualities, too. D'Artagnan knows which way to choose when he comes across a dilemma-saving his lover or killing Febre, his father's murderer first-he chooses the latter, which is a smart choice, since Febre would have taken the chance to kill him. Hamlet changes his plans to suit of his uncle's movement in order not to arouse suspicion.

Both avengers accomplished their tasks. The only fault which Hamlet has is that he got himself miserably killed during his revenge. If only he had not been stabbed by the poisoned sword in the duel, or if only he had detected his uncle's plan sooner and avoided it. D'Artagnan, quite the opposite, won the title of 'hero', and married his lady fair, while Hamlet's lover committed suicide.

However, we have to understand, directors and producers have the intention to beautify stories to attract viewers, whereas Shakespeare only care for the reveal of human nature and facts in life-nothing is perfect.

Both stories carry the familiar message- "A Wrong-Doer will Always be Punished in the End." Only that with 'Hamlet' one more note was prevailed -"Be Careful, during the course of revenge, you may lose your life."