Every Has a Dream

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Most people have some kind of hopes or dreams. Hopes
are "desires accompanied by expectations of
fulfillment, they are one that give promises to the
future." ( The Merriam Webster Dictionary, page 367).

Dreams are "notable for their beauty, excellence,
and/or enjoyable quality." ( The Merriam Webster
Dictionary, pages 234-235). However, these dreams are
many times thwarted by many obstacles along the way,
as happens to George and Lennie's in John Steinback's
novel, Of Mice and Men. George promises Lennie's aunt
Clara, right before she dies, that he will take care
of Lennie, and that they will always be together.

During the 1930's, people like Lennie, who has a
mental handicap, and black's, such as Crooks, the
stable man, are discriminated. During this time, also
known as the Great Depression, barn workers like
George and Lennie would go around looking for work at
a ranch. Very few Americans owned land, and only
rarely did they have any freedom.

George and Lennie
want to buy a piece of land. To George this
symbolizes his freedom, he will then be able to
control his destiny, yet to Lennie, it means he will
be able to tend the rabbits, and therefor pet them as
much as he likes. Steinback expresses some of man's
hopes and dreams through the main characters actions.

George and Lennie live in hope that their own, very
particular dream, will one day come true. They hope
they will work enough to earn the sufficient amount of
money needed for their piece of land. The land is
important to them because it symbolizes their liberty,
their independence. From the moment they buy the land
and on, they become independent human beings. They
stop depending on whether they have a job, on whether
they have enough food amongst other things. They
dream of building a small house on this land, and on
having a small farm with chickens and rabbits and
cows. Lennie's greatest dream is being able to tend
the rabbits. Whenever Lennie does anything wrong,
instead of thinking of the consequences that may
follow, he only thinks of not being able to tend the
rabbits when they acquire their new home. Lennie
tries not upset George, because when he does, George
threatens not to let him tend the rabbits. George, on
the other hand, dreams on living a self sufficient
life off the money and food they can make off the land
and the animals. Both George and Lennie want to live
more freely, having the luxury of being their own

Some men's hopes and dreams are symbolized through
Lennie's and George's in the novel Of Mice and Men.

Even though they are fictional characters, their hopes
and dreams are real. Lennie and George hoped of a
better life. During the Great Depression, a piece of
land is the typical American dream, this land
symbolizing the better life. Most of today's
population is made up of low or middle class civilians
resembling the characters illustrated by Steinback
through Lennie and George. These people have hopes of
someday leading a better life, dependent on only
themselves. George and Lennie's dreams symbolize the
step that every man wishes to take to a more
enjoyable, independent life.

George and Lennie's actions express their hopes and
dreams through their actions in John Steinback's
novel, Of Mice and Men. Their dream comes to an end
when Lennie, trying to feel Curly's wife's hair,
accidentally breaks her neck, killing her instantly.

People today have similar ambitions. Every man wants
to be independent. Every man wants to be his or her
own boss. Very often, there are obstacles in the way
of each person's dream, preventing him or her from
accomplishing it.