Expanding The Horizon         Winning award after award, Destiny’s Child is

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Expanding The Horizon Winning award after award, Destiny's Child is now on top of the world. Beyonce Knowles, Kelly Rowland, and Michelle Williams have decided to try something new.

They are planning on splitting up for awhile, and going solo. Beyonce is also getting into acting, she co-stars in the new Austin Powers movie, Gold Member with Mike Myers.

Michelle maybe the new member, but this lady has a voice and presence about her. She is expanding into Gospel music and blowing the charts away. Since gospel has had the most increase in popularity this year, she's got a good thing going. Kelly is another story, she is one of a kind and is still going to be belting out her great style and staying with the R & B world. It has been said that, Beyonce's dad, Mathew Knowles is an over powering controlling man. He expects more from people, then people expect from themselves.

Some may say he is too strict, but he is one of the main reasons these girls are a success, because he expects one hundred and ten percent from them each time, and no less. Before all this fame and fortune the group started out with four La Tavia Roberson, Letoya Luckett, Beyonce, and Kelly. Things didn't seem to work out with Roberson and Luckett since Beyonces' dad was the manager of the group so he let the two girls go in 1999, because of conflicting interests. The two girls were promptly replaced by Farrah Franklin and Michelle Williams. Everything seemed to be smooth sailing from there on until Franklin starting missing engagements and shortly after that she was also let go. Then there remained three Beyonce Knowles, Kelly Rowland, and Michelle Williams. These three young and sexy ladies make the ever so popular group of Destiny's Child.

Beyonce and Kelly both grew up in Huston Texas and Michelle in Rockford Illinois.

Beyonce and Kelly both started out at Headliners Salon that is owned by her mother Tina Knowles. They used to go there and perform for the customers. "The customers couldn't leave, because they were locked under the dryers." "They were about nine or ten ," Jackson recalls. Who is a hairdresser at the Headliners Salon. "They would do there little routines, and Mathew would ask us to critique." They also grew up in St. John's United Church, were they now all getting their spiritual guidance. "They come to church here, Mathew, Tina, Beyonce, Kelly, and Michelle and there's no spotlight on them. Folks leave them alone," says Pastor Rasmus. I imagine still that the young people have a hard time concentrating on when Destiny's Child is in church that day. These girls are quite spiritual, they even fly back to Huston on a Saturday night to go to church Sunday morning. Their faith is what keeps them going strong. The song survivor reflects the hardships that they've had to deal with. That's why they wrote the song to show people that you can always go on, that we are all survivors. These young beautiful girls love their lives and who they are. Michelle is a down to home, kind of women, friendly, and enchanting person to be around. Kelly, who formally is a shy girl, has broken out in this album. She is letting herself go and coming out on top. Beyonce is young and vibrant and always, and giving her fans all that she can. These three girls are made it because they are extremely talented and sexy women. They never gave up there in there quest to making it big in the music world. Beyonce, Kelly, and Michelle are strong and no matter what happens they have faith in God and each other. They worked hard to get were are, and to have so much motivation to succeed, anyone one would be envious. I say good luck ladies; you are stars on the stage and in life.