Facts About Forest

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Facts about Forest Forest is a big man. He is 6 Ft tall and weighs about 330 lbs. His mind is good for a almost 83 year old man. He tells stories from his war days and before then, he can go back to his childhood and has a good memory.

He has known his wife Beulah Willis since they were children. He use to hang out with her brothers and was great friends with them.

He had several jobs as a teenager working for the Fresh Air Mkt. and some Cafe's in Hickory. He opened his own Grocery store in 1948.

He had 3 children, Wanda, Mendell, and Joe Joe died in 1986 from Cancer.

Grandpa Reynolds introduced me to my first piece of Beef Jerky when I was 10 years old at Bucks store.

Forest liked to be a Farmer as a hobby. He cut hay to sale for cows to eat.

He did some plowing and mowing hay in his cow pastures. He had cows at his farm to sale or to take to the butcher to sale for beef to eat. The most cows he had at one time were about 78. The cows were Black Angus or Charlia. The bulls were Charlia.

One a lady from N.Y. city wanted to buy a cow to take to eat. She came to Hickory and packed the meat in Suitcases and took it back to New York on the Bus. That bull was 1,050 lbs and she paid $1.00 per pound. She was very happy to get this meat to take home with her.

Forest and Beulah's 1st home was in Longview and the cost was $1,800.00. He made $27.00 a week working about 54 hours for $.50 per hour.

In 1948 he decided to buy a small grocery store and his wife ran it during the day while he worked as a salesman selling groceries. He then quit his job and only worked at the store.

The most important thing in his life was being in the Navy in a branch called the Seabee's. They unloaded cement and other things from the ships. He was stationed overseas near Hawaii on a deserted Island during World War 2.

Now Forest mostly sits at home and watches TV. He is a big Atlanta Braves fan watches every game. Lot's of times other TV stuff like OJ Simpson trial or the recent Sept. 11 news really interests him.