
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade April 2001

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Essay on Frankenstein In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Victor's "Creation" is looked upon as a "monster" by society. His physical deformities were greater than his good intentions and gentle heart. Being abandoned by Victor, the Creation led a life of solitude and alienation, thus revealing society's assumptions and moral values.

Interestingly, the only person who treated the Creation as human being was De Lacey. Being physically blind, the old man could not see the creations hideous form, but instead saw his inherent humanity. De Lacey was blind to prejudice, so instead of shunning the creation , accepted him for what he was, and not for what society had branded him as, a "monster". Being yelled at, cursed at, and even shot at, led the Creation to believe that he really was a hideous creature that could never ve accepted into society. Upon realization of this, the creature ventured into an ovsessive rage to hurt Victor, the man who created him only to leave him behind to be preyed upon by a society whos values reflected an age of strict moral standards and ethics.

A society that the Creature could not never be part of.

Shelley uses the Creation to show how society is superficial and shallow. The creature's alienation produced such a feeling of anger in him, to the point where he became determined to hurt Victor by preying on, William, Justine, Henry and Elizabeth, the individuals that he loved the most. Strangely, the "Monster" seems to be "more human than his creator." Showing intense emotions, never seen comming, the Creation portrayes very human-like characteristics. This and other romantic elements are seen throughout the novel. Exploration was a theme that continued from expeditions, to scientific discoveries, and even with the Creation trying to find its place in society. This Victorian society, was one that looked down upon the poets and artists who would try to find emotional support in nature. As Wordsworh wrote in Expostulation and Reply: "Nor less I deem that there are powers which of themselves our minds impress; that we can feed this mind of ours in a wise passiveness." During this time period the intellectuals were involved in studying, researching, and exploring, but unlike the poets, they lacked the yearning to find there true selfs in nature. Adding to the fact that his physical appearance was shocking, people in society could understand the Creations intense emotions, and therefore he was labeled as a freak.

Society's superficial assumptions caused the Creation's alienation, thus leading him to commit the acts of senseless savegary. Shelley's portrayal of society's assumptions and moral believes was one of an age where the individual was significant only to those who valued themselves for who they were. De Lacey symbolized the poets blindness towards prejudice and Victor was a reflection towards society's view of the unnatural.