Frost Reflection

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate August 2001

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Frost Reflection People fear many things in life. But when they ask themselves, "what is my biggest fear", many people wonder. It might be death, failing a task, or even school midterms. I, afraid of many tasks, feelings, and objects have never been more terrified of one thing"¦ change.

As I entered sixth grade at Frost, my fear had overcome my hope. The lockers, schedules, people and homework had all become a big puzzle to me. One with 1000 tiny pieces that I knew I could never finish alone. With my friends close by the side, I slowly pieced together the border, and found my "place" in the school. Throughout the year, I made new friends, but also drifted apart from a few, nevertheless, they were always there, inside the heart and out, people I knew I could count on to make me smile. From the outdoors (ed) to the South Pacific, I had great fun as a "sixxie", laughing like a piggy, all the way home.

Eager to start the next year, filled with excitement and fear, I knew that the change would be even better, and more meaningful then the last.

And what happened in seventh grade? First, the teachers would look at you in the eye and say, "I'll make a man out of you." My whole world was alive and kicking in, with me falling behind slowly, but eventually catching up nearing the finish line. Each day was not exactly the best day of my life, but as all the days tallied up, it didn't seem so awful. I felt as if I just won an immunity challenge, giving me one more change and stay at frost. I quickly fan danced my way through seventh grade in a flash and I thought I had done everything I needed to do, but completely regardless of what was yet to come.

When eighth grade began, I couldn't wait until it was summer time again, counting off each and every day off the assignment book. I was so excited for high school, filled with millions of hopes and dreams. But as the end neared, a dark cloud had hovered over me, and the hopes and dreams turned into endless nights of horror. I didn't know how to overcome it, for the change in elementary school, I knew, would not be as big as this one. High school would almost determine the rest of my life. But then, I look back at how I was in sixth grade, and realized, what a wonderful change it really was.

The biggest lesson frost has taught me is to get over my fear of change. I learned the only way to get over a fear is to stand up to it and fight it, instead of trying to hide from it and dreading it forever. Since then, I have become more of an optimist, always smiling and never giving up. Another important lesson I've learned is that practice does not make perfect, for nothing is perfect. Along with the serious lessons, there were always jokes along the way. "Broken windows" are usually tinted. Don't touch things in which you don't know where they've been"¦ and most importantly, wish on stars, dreams do come true! Hanging by a moment, I realized, don't live the life to the fullest, live the moment to it's best, because tomorrow is going to come too soon. Looking back at the years at frost, I had gone through and learned so much, it has made me stronger, inside and out, smarter, and in general, a better person. Every piece of the puzzle represented a different person, event, or inside joke; it all made sense. As the pieces of my puzzle slowly began to come together, nearing closer and closer to the center, I realized the puzzle only came with 999 pieces, I would earn the last piece when I take the last step, crossing the bridge between middle and high school, another change, and one, that I would not be afraid of.

Even though I might not be at this school, I will definitely carry the memories with me in my heart, always and forever. For one thing, desert theatre was remarkable. Through all the practices, yelling, tears, and hard work, the ending outcome was amazing, which made it even harder to let go. But we eventually shut our flashlights up and learned, "it's got nothing to do with love". And losing dingaling's ticket at the world trade center during the band trip? That I won't forget, especially three superior rated trophies we brought back, in which they were so cheap they gave us a hand written label on a cheap white sticky. Just kidding. However, one memory that will always stick out the most will always be my math class. We've had been in the same classroom for three years, with almost the same thirty people. Through all that we've went through, we learned everything about each other, even through tests. It all started in sixth grade with the hokey-pokey "brain work-outs", then joking along with the "Amish" while counting down games to go for Cal Ripken to break the record and finally, in eighth grade, when we'd each "race-u" to see who could finish their work first. (By the way we never finished our class song). Everyday, I would always look forward to math; it was always amusing and was forever filled with plenty of learning, laughter, and inappropriate jokes"¦ Well how did I ever make it to the end? The given: Never give up. Steps: sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. Reasons: teachers, friends, and family. Final reason: Robert Frost Middle School.

You have given me a whole new window of opportunity and I'd like to do what I can"¦ before the blinds are closed"¦ Love always, Michelle Bleached Whale Ding-a-ling