A Game Of The God ?

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2002

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A Game of the god ? In Greek mythology, Gods is the only race whose can decide a person¡¯s life. Yet the characters still try to fight the prediction. Do you think that the Gods¡¯ prediction can affect the whole life of a person? Maybe the life of each person just is a game of the god.

In the story, as the victim of the God¡¯s prediction, Oedipus fate has been regularized. It seems nothing can change or stop the gods¡¯ determination. However, the antagonist don¡¯t want be controlled by fate. So he leave his hometown and decides no matter what happened, he wouldn¡¯t come back to Corinth anymore. Because he don¡¯t want to be trapped by his fate. As a result, all of the terrible prophecies have been fulfilled. That¡¯s the main point of this tragic story.

The Sphinx¡¯s riddle is another key thing in the story. (¡°There is a creature two-footed, and also four-footed, and three-footed.

Where it goes on more feet, then it goes most slowly.¡±)(page XLI) Oedipus used his intelligence and luck to answer the riddle of the Sphinx, which made he become the king of Thebes. At the same time, his was trapped in his fate. This riddle is also a metaphor for the life of Oedipus. The sphinx¡¯s riddle was used by Sophocles to characterize Oedipus as a tragic man and as a parallel to his life. Meanwhile, which decide the tragic ending of Oedipus¡¯s life.

As Oedipus¡¯s personality, in a sense, he is too arrogance and lack of insight. He lacks the ability to observe the reality. In his point of view, things do not work out as he imagined. That¡¯s why he is trapped again and again. However, there¡¯s no doubt that Oedipus is a great hero. After knowing his fate, his didn¡¯t give up but became inflexible increasingly. Then he accepted the responsibility for save Thebes. Even at the end, he accepted the ending and left Thebes immediately. He didn¡¯t kill himself means he is a man who never give¡¯s up.

We can say Oedipus is a real hero, a capable leader with uniquely brave, excellent, and intelligent. But the tragedy reminds us, no matter how excellent a person is, the only way to force life to submit to him has failed. No matter we agree or disagree, maybe is true that life just a game of the god.

1.¡°There is a creature two-footed, and also four-footed, and three-footed. Where it goes on more feet, then it goes most slowly.¡± (page XLI) 2. This riddle is also a metaphor for the life of Oedipus. The sphinx¡¯s riddle was used by Sophocles to characterize Oedipus as a tragic man and as a parallel to his life.

( a essay of Oedipus the king )