Generation Gap

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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This generation is very different than any other. "We have no Great Depression, no Great War. Our war is spiritual, our depression is our lives." Our students are trying to live their lives to the fullest day by day. We want cars, money, and every material possession. "We were raised on television to believe that we'd all be millionaires, movie gods, or rock stars, but we won't. And we're starting to figure that out." We play sports, go to school, and have a job. We have our own lives so let us grow up on our own! Getting a job and battling sports and school is just a part of growing up, so don't mess with us.

First off, getting a job is a good way to learn needed skills for the future and make money. There are many skills needed for the future, like computer technician or telecommunications.

We will always need people to flip burgers too. The skills we learn now will help prepare us for the future. The best way to learn is hands-on so getting a job is preparing us for the future better than school. Sure, school teaches us things we need, but it also wastes our time. If we will never use the information given to us, why should we have to sit through it? Continuing on with getting a job, some parents are concerned for the well being of their students. "Sixteen and seventeen-year-olds find it tough to reconcile 7:30 a.m. classes with a job that winds down at 10:30 p.m." The parents worry that we are growing up too fast. Getting a job gives us the skills we need, practice of the skills, and it gives money. The money earned goes into a car or insurance or gas. It is spent on girlfriends, boyfriends, and whatever the owner wants. Since our parents won't give us the money we need, we will go out and make that money.

Secondly, staying eligible while working and doing other activities is a tough juggling act. The students who play sports to support their school and want to be somebody need money, good grades, and want a scholarship and are the busiest students of all. They have to do well in school, do well in their sport, and do well at their job. Staying eligible will help get them a scholarship. Staying eligible while working five days a week for five dollars an hour is tough. School to sports to job; this feat is rarely accomplished but when it is it is a great achievement.

Still with staying eligible, the classes we take nowadays are harder than when our parents went to high school. What our sophomores are doing now, they were doing as seniors. Our parents tell us we have to do better, but they can't even help with our math because they don't know how. We need less pressure. It is hard enough with school and sports and a job as it is. We are doing all we can to the best of our ability. Many parents are never home. They have no say in their students' lives. They should quit complaining.

Lastly, having a car is the ability to leave, to go places without an adult. It is a freedom that all kids dream about. To get our dream car takes money. Getting that money is simple; get a job. "You are not your car," but you can be identified by your car. High school students are the most hypocritical people in the world. If you don't wear the right clothes or drive a "cool" car you're not "cool". It helps your social status, which makes high school easier. "I need a car to do stuff." We take people places, pick up groceries, and drive to sports events.

Now, having a car shows responsibility. Having a car gives us the power we want to have. It feels good and also gives us responsibility. This will teach us to take care of an object.

Getting a job and battling sports and school is just part of growing up. We want everything and think we can accomplish it. So leave us alone with your "more school," and "good grades." Let us live our lives the way we want to live them. We have a twisted generation. the next generation will be perfect. In the world I see you're stalking elk through damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You will wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You will climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears tower. You will see tiny figures pounding corn and laying strips of venison on the empty carpool lane on the ruins of a superhighway"¦