The Giver Summary

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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The Giver, an enlightening book that portrays through theme, style and characterization how a boy inhabits a seemingly ideal world: a world without unemployment, poverty, inequality, conflict, divorce, or injustice. It is a time in which family values are paramount, teenage rebellion in unheard of, and even good manners are a way of life. It is a world in which personal freedom does not exist, and every decision is made for the community by a group of elders. This includes a person's occupation, spouse and even child. Every individual accepts this meaningless life because they know of nothing more. Only one citizen in the whole community has wisdom. This person is referred to as "The Giver". The title plays a significant role in the story and points to the theme. "The Giver" is responsible for holding all the memories from the past, generations back in which inequality, divorce, injustice, unemployment and conflict existed.

When he becomes old and weighted with memories, his job is to transmit these memories to a new "Receiver". Jonas, the main character in this story was selected as the new Receiver. Some of the memories he acquired were pleasant, and some were terrible. He acquired memories of snow, sunshine, love, Christmas, music, and colors. These things did not exist in his community. On the other hand, he received memories of war, and hunger and pain. Those memories caused him a great deal of suffering because he never experienced those things before. He no longer felt the same about his life. It was now meaningless to him. He couldn't comprehend how people could be so satisfied with a life without love or colors or holidays. But he realized his community didn't have the wisdom he acquired of the past and didn't know of any other way to live. "The Giver" explained the reason his job is so honored is that he had been chosen to live with all these memories of pain and suffering so that the rest of the community didn't have too. Generations before him a group of elders had chosen to make a world for people in which life was very simple and orderly and safe. To do so they took away peoples freedom to make their own decisions. They developed a climate system that was most convenient for farming, leaving a community with a sustained temperature. They took away religion and family and most of all they took away love.