Gothic Writing "obsessed Character

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate July 2001

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Try to imagine running through a maze with no exits while having friendly little elves running right behind you. If you ever give up trying to find the way out they will tickle you or tell you jokes to relax you or calm you down. If theres ever a time when you feel like you can not go on the elves will feed you grapes to give you a pleasant tasting boost of energy. That is as best as I can describe her. Whatever I need a cure for she has the remedy. We've been living together for one month as of tomorrow, Jenna and I. I don't ever see myself getting tired of her. I love surprises, the good ones anyway. And when I am with her I never know what to expect. ( E - Introductory Elements - And when I am with her, I never know what to expect.

) There are times when she thinks of things that absolutely must come from the opposite end of a minds spectrum. Other times I won't do more than smile and she will know exactly what I am thinking of. ( E - Introductory Elements - Other times, I won't do more than...) ( A - Compound Structure -, and she will know exactly what I am thinking of. ) She doesn't want me to be anything else but me; I don't have to put on a show or worry about boring her.

She is five feet zero inches of everything I want in anyone I want to want me. For the first time, I told her I loved her yesterday. I must, because not only does each happy song I listen to make me think of her. They make me think of the countless reasons why I fancy being with her. If you ever get in that mood where the walk home is too long because you can not wait to throw your arms around someone you care about and just...just tell them you feel like you do even if you know they know. Or splash them with a passionate kiss just "cause". Then you would feel just like I do. I wanted nothing more than to get home and tell Jen that, but then I saw someone that I have not seen in a long time.

I saw an old girlfriend of mine on the way home. I used to be very attached to her. I never really thought that I had loved her, but there was something there that I could not quite put my finger on. She was so similar to me in almost every aspect of everything. I used to tell my friends that if I had a soul mate she would have to be it because there was literally nothing that we would not have fun doing. ( E - Introductory Element - I used to tell my friends that if I had a soul mate, she would have to be it because there was literally nothing that we would not have fun doing. ) I am not lying when I say that on a brisk November afternoon this girl and I sat on the ground not giving a thought about getting grass stains on our pants while seeing who could pick the longest blade. ( D - Nonessential Elements/Nonessential Phrase- I am not lying when I say that on a brisk November afternoon, this girl and I sat on the ground not giving a thought about getting grass stains on our pants while seeing who could pick the longest blade. ) "Mines bigger than yours," she giggled.

"It certainly better not be," I jokingly said back. She knew what I was talking about.

Her piece of grass was the diamond in the rough. It is pretty fitting too. Until I started seeing Jenna, fragrant thoughts of this girl were always leaving me caught up in a reverie of things that could have been.

When I first met Jenna, this girl was on my agenda. I distinctly remember sitting next to Jen in Pre-Calc class saying things about how this girl want to...well...Have me behind locked doors and how I definitely wouldn't mind showing her a good time. Jenna at the time was a mere friend of mine. ( F - Interrupters/3 - Jenna, at the time, was a mere friend of mine. ) And she was not a great one at that. She was like the light purple flower you see on the side of the road. It isn't that hard to look at, but there are 40,000 others just like it. She was the neutral party you always look for when you want to tell someone a secret.

I'd tell Jenna about how this girl kept me on my toes and always put a smile on my face.

If I called Jenna on my cell and told her I was going out with my friends she would believe me. ( A - Compound Structure - If I called Jenna on my cell and told her I was going out with my friends, she would believe me. ) After all, she is my girlfriend and has no reason to not trust me. And if she didn't, I could easily turn it right back around on her.

I never want to get hurt again, so when something like this comes along you have to analyze the situation to keep yourself in the drivers seat. Thank god I have no conscience whatsoever anymore. I've lied straight to peoples faces before and felt no remorse. This would be no different. Supposing I did do something with this girl, I would have to lie which completely justifies it all. Just like necessity is the mother of invention, having to do something is the best justification of the action.

"Why dontcha come over tonight, I haven't seen you in a while hun," she cooed. "I'll show ya some more good times. We'll play some Ben Folds Five and jam together just like we used to. Nobody has to know," she gently murmured in my ear.

Believe you me, every inch of my body begged for her touch again. My mind was aching to rollick with hers again. However, at that same moment I felt my heart cry. ( F - Interrupters/3 - However, at that same moment, I felt my heart cry. ) I just pictured myself lying to Jenna. If I were to go home and tell her a completely falsified story about my day, I would sink to my knees in front of her like a sinful man beseeching the lord for forgiveness. Once on my knees I'd weep like a little school girl who cut her knee when she fell down while jump roping. ( E - Introductory Elements - Once on my knees, I'd weep like a little school girl who cut her knee when she fell down while jump roping. ) These pungent emotions would consume me ten times faster than you can involuntarily blink your eye. I am sure of this because more than anything I want to do things that make her as happy as she makes me. ( F - Interrupters/3 - I am sure of this because, more than anything, I want to do things that make her as happy as she makes me. ) I want to do things that evoke the priceless smile of hers and watch as her eyes glaze over with tears of happiness.

"If you would have asked me a few weeks ago you could have had anything you wanted. I would have sold my right art to bask in the rays of your eyes light. I'm not sure I was passed you when I gave you up before. I definitely cried myself to sleep more than once wondering if I would ever get this chance again. Thank goodness tonight I can honestly say no, I don't want to come over tonight. Someone's waiting for me at h--home," I emphatically explained to her.

"Hey Jen, what is that I smell," I asked while full well knowing it was dinner.

"I made macaroni and cheese, can't you smell it," she joked with mirth. "How was your day?" "How was my day," she asks. How do I answer that one? Sometimes simple questions require such complex answers. "I feel like a cop with a bullet proof vest on." That was the best answer I could come up with. I was right too because I just showed the bad guy whats up and I didn't get hurt. ( A - Compound Structure - I was right too, because I just showed the bad guy whats up and I didn't get hurt. )