
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade November 2001

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Graduation Speech During the process time of writing the speech, the only sound Jess could hear was the sound of the paper being crumbled up into a small ball. The crumbling sound then turned into the sound of the ball either hitting the tin trash can or the soft sound of hitting the floor. Jess was eventually swimming in a pool of white writing paper.

On graduation day, as Jess slowly walked down onto the grass football field in front of the huge metal bleachers, she could smell the freshly cut grass. It was a beautiful sight. All the boys were wearing red caps and gowns and all the girls were wearing white caps and gowns. Also, the girls were carrying pretty red carnations.

Jess could feel her palms beginning to become warm and her body temperature start to rise. It was a hot, sticky day. She knew it had to be getting close to time to give her speech.

When it finally came time, everything stopped in mid-air and it was only her and empty seats and empty metal bleachers. She stood up slowly, taking a long deep breath of fresh country air, and began to walk with confidence up to the podium. Jess's heart rate stopped beating so fast because she knew her voice did not crack during the speech.

As Jess stood at the podium and delivered her speech, she could hear snickering and chattering amongst the student body. She had hit the nail right on the head. She was allowing the student body to reminisce through the years of many memories. There was memories of the sense of nervousness when leaving elementary school; the big kids in middle school, cold see-through bathing suits, and the feeling of being crushed if they were not asked to dance at the middle school dances. Also, the memories of pep rallies. The gym being so loud that no one could hear themselves think. The band playing the usual school spirit song, the cheerleaders yelling and jumping up and down, and the football players being obnoxious as usual.

As Jess reminisced through the memories, she could see girls wiping their tears and others had smiles on their faces. Jess was smiling broadly and was welcomed back to her seat with a few high-fives and words of praise. It felt as if she had lost a part of herself. The only thing she could remember was the cold Friday nights, at the football games, cheering her heart out for the football team. The memories of handing out goodie bags, holding the banner for the football players, and being scared that a football player would run over her. She also remembered the feeling of cheering in front of a huge crowd and watching as the crowd became rowdy.

These are memories Jess will never forget. The memories that she had made in high school will never be forgotten and she hopes that her speech allowed the student body to realize this too. Jess was very proud of her speech and everyone was proud of Jess.