The Great Gatsby

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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The Great Gatsby was a very interesting book. Though it was set in an earlier timeline, I still enjoyed it a lot. The author carefully chose his characters, from what I know because every single main character that was mentioned in that book, had an induce to the book. The author made each character in there somewhat similar and different. Even though, this book contained a lot of different themes, I pick one in particular, "Love vs. Money" because in the book, every couple, had some kind of problem and with love and money, like Tom and Daisy, Gatsby and Daisy, and Tom and Myrtle.

Starting off with Tom and Daisy, Daisy married Tom because he was a Yale graduated and was a decent well off man. Daisy was living large, knowing that her husband was cheating on her. "I hope she'll be a fool, that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful fool" which she is talking about her daughter.

Though other viewers may think differently of this quote, to me, in my opinion, I think it means, it is better to not know what is going on and be pretty then to know what is going on because you can not act on it. Maybe back then, women did not have a lot of rights and if the woman can go by living and marrying a rich guy, they think that their life would be positively all right. The point of this quote is that, that daughter, should grow up being beautiful because a lot of rich man will look at her appearance and marry her and she does not have to use a brain, that is all she needs in life is her appearance. To me, it seems like, Daisy did the same thing, she used her appearance as a way to get Tom, love was not actually involved if she is willing to be a fool and let her husband cheat on her. If he truly loved Daisy, he would be at home, taking care of her and the daughter.

Next, in this story, if there was a couple who I think was truly in love was Jay Gatsby and Daisy. Yet, Jay Gatsby destroyed the thought of a realistic love and turned it into a fantasy love. All he wanted was her, and thinking that, if he tried to impressed her, she would fall for him but love does not work that way. Love is something special, shared between two people and not just one. Money can not buy love and if that was all Daisy wanted, then of course, it was not true love. Money can't buy everything in this world, especially when it comes to love. Once again, this demonstrate the theme in this book, "Money vs. Love". Even, Jay Gatsby had said it in the book, that money will bring happiness and bring Daisy to him. He tried to impressed her by, throwing parties without showing his face, buying the mansion next to her house, and when she came to visit the first time, he impressed her with the things he had in his house. Though, they did have a love affair together for a while, from what she said it the book, I'm not sure, if Daisy would have gone for him, if he did not try to impressed her.

Lastly, Tom and Myrtle, according to the book, it said that, that was Tom's lover. If that was his true lover, then why did he marry Daisy? I think that, Tom just went after Myrtle because of her appearance or know that she had money. I am not sure if he really loved her or if she really loved him, when both of them, had other companion in their life. If true love was to be processed then they would not be cheating on their companion. Another thing is if a man really loves a woman, he would not break her nose. I think, in my opinion, the reason, Myrtle fell for Tom is because of his money and the way he looks. If he truly loved Daisy, he would be at home, taking care of her and the daughter. Plus, if he truly loved Myrtle, he should have called off the marriage between him and Daisy. I think in my opinion, I think that Myrtle is only using him for his money and once again, money was verse with love again.

In conclusion, there was a lot of dramatic issues involving love in this book. Partially the book was revolving around romance in the late 1920's. This book contained a lot of different themes, I pick one in particular, "Love vs. Money" because in the book, every couple, had some kind of problem and with love and money, like Tom and Daisy, Gatsby and Daisy, and Tom and Myrtle.