The Great Gatsby

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade January 2002

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The Great Gatsby Review The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a classic in American literature. Written more than seventy years ago, it has withstood the test of time, and it's impact has not been lost. Set in the "roaring twenties," it's the story of the wealthy Jay Gatsby and how he influences the narrator (Nick Carraway, his next-door neighbor) and others. Throughout the story it becomes evident that Gatsby is in love with Daisy Buchanan. Daisy is a beautiful woman married to Nick's friend Tom, a rich and arrogant snob. When a tragic car accident happens with Daisy at the wheel, Gatsby eventually takes the fall and is killed by the victim's husband. In the end the novel is like a toast to Gatsby himself, because it shows what a truly wonderful, exceptional, and giving person he was.

After reading the novel, I noticed how different things are presently than they were in the twenties.

A lot has changed, from society's ideals and values to gigantic advances in modern technology. "By God, I may be old-fashioned in my ideas but women run around too much these days to suit me. They meet all kinds of crazy fish." Back then, cars were new inventions that previous generations hadn't been able to enjoy. Older people didn't like the fact that women could stray far away from home whenever they pleased. Of course, women today enjoy these freedoms and much more, but back then it was a big deal that men were losing control of their women. "A lot of these newly rich people are just big bootleggers, you know." Alcohol was illegal, and the wealthy elders (East Eggers) generally regarded rich young people (West Eggers) with contempt. They figured the only way the West Eggers were rich was through illegal business. "I almost married a little kyke who'd been after me for years. I knew he was below me." In the twenties, racism was overwhelmingly present in society, especially among the rich aristocrats. Gatsby stood out amongst them, for he had no prejudice, only an open and loving heart.

Never before have I read a book with such beautiful and continuous lyricism within the narration. F. Scott Fitzgerald proves himself to be a great writer in this novel, covering themes of love, deceit, betrayal, friendship, commitment, and aristocracy all at once. The Great Gatsby can be enjoyed by people of all walks of life, for they would all be touched and rejuvenated by this timeless classic that is still full of spirit.