The Great Gatsby love letter

Essay by bigphill05High School, 11th gradeA, March 2004

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Dear Daisy,

I've missed you more than a dry season misses rain. Without you in my life for the past years, I have been deeply depressed. You may not know it yet, but I have moved into an enormous house right across the bay. From my back yard, I can see a green light on the end of your dock at nighttime. At night before I go to bed, I go out back and stare at the light dreaming of a wonderful day when we reunite. The light is the only closeness I feel to you. I hear you have a husband now. That means nothing to me. I will have nothing else but you in my arms. I hope you share my feelings and will accept my request to elope. We can get away from here! I have tons of money so there's no need to worry. I know you love me too.

I already have another house awaiting our arrival. It's set up with beautiful scenery of the big city. You have never seen New York like you can with me. I can give you my love along with any of your wildest desires. You want to travel? I'll take you there. You want to buy a country? There's no country too expensive for the value of your heart. Please accept my proposal! My life with all this money is nothing without you to share it with. If you do accept, meet me at Nick's house on Sunday at 1:30 p.m. and we can have lunch together. I hope to see your sparkling eyes soon.


Jay Gatsby