Gruesome Accident

Essay by nidikaiJunior High, 9th gradeA, November 2007

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Dear Diary,I'm writing to tell you of a horrifying accident I witnessed today.It took place on a side street this evening.

I went out to take a walk after dinner as usual.As you already know,I dislike busy and noisy streets.Though I used to like this creepy feeling when walking on a dark,empty street,today I sensed something different.It occurred to me that it was a bad omen and my worries came true.

There was not much sign of life on this street since only a few buildings had residents in them and the rest being either ruins or were considered as being "haunted". Half way through the street,a smoke drifted towards me. At first I thought it came from a kitchen,but then it turned out to be that an apartment was on fire. Being the first time to experience accidents like these,I was stunned by what was happening front of me.

It was my inner conscience that recovered me back to my normal senses and ordered me to call for help. I didn't hesitate in doing that. Meanwhile,"pray" was all that I could do. It seemed that God heard my pleads since the fire brigade and the ambulance arrived shortly after and managed to put out the fire in the end.

"Two people have died and several are injured." When I got this answer from a fire-fighter,I didn't believe it.Being the first time to witness deaths of people in front of my eyes,I was so astonished and taken aback that for some time,I didn't know my way home! When my shock was over,I realized that everyone except me had already left the place.Today's incident was like a nightmare to me and I hope the people who died will rest in peace.

Well Diary,I truly believe that today's experience taught me a good lesson.I had never thought of the preciousness of life before but now I come to think of it.Life is much more delicate and fragile than I had thought and can be lost easily at any moment unless we take enough care.Thinking of the people who died in the accident,we must be more careful with our lives.

See you tomorrow,Di Kai.

(This is an essay written fully by me,did not copy from any other sources)