
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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One aspect of Faulkner's writing that inrigues me a great deal is his Yoknapatawpha County. This fictional county in Mississippi is the setting for many of his novels and stories. It is peopled with families and characters that recur throughout his work. Cleanth Brooks, a critic, professor, and Faulkner scholar has written an excellent study of these writings in William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country. It includes a very helpful appendix, including an index of recurring characters, genealogies of Faulkner's characters, and a map of the fictional county.

One aspect of Faulkner's writing that inrigues me a great deal is his Yoknapatawpha County. This fictional county in Mississippi is the setting for many of his novels and stories. It is peopled with families and characters that recur throughout his work. Cleanth Brooks, a critic, professor, and Faulkner scholar has written an excellent study of these writings in William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country.

It includes a very helpful appendix, including an index of recurring characters, genealogies of Faulkner's characters, and a map of the fictional county.

One aspect of Faulkner's writing that inrigues me a great deal is his Yoknapatawpha County. This fictional county in Mississippi is the setting for many of his novels and stories. It is peopled with families and characters that recur throughout his work. Cleanth Brooks, a critic, professor, and Faulkner scholar has written an excellent study of these writings in William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country. It includes a very helpful appendix, including an index of recurring characters, genealogies of Faulkner's characters, and a map of the fictional county.

One aspect of Faulkner's writing that inrigues me a great deal is his Yoknapatawpha County. This fictional county in Mississippi is the setting for many of his novels and stories. It is peopled with families and characters that recur throughout his work. Cleanth Brooks, a critic, professor, and Faulkner scholar has written an excellent study of these writings in William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country. It includes a very helpful appendix, including an index of recurring characters, genealogies of Faulkner's characters, and a map of the fictional county.

One aspect of Faulkner's writing that inrigues me a great deal is his Yoknapatawpha County. This fictional county in Mississippi is the setting for many of his novels and stories. It is peopled with families and characters that recur throughout his work. Cleanth Brooks, a critic, professor, and Faulkner scholar has written an excellent study of these writings in William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country. It includes a very helpful appendix, including an index of recurring characters, genealogies of Faulkner's characters, and a map of the fictional county.

One aspect of Faulkner's writing that inrigues me a great deal is his Yoknapatawpha County. This fictional county in Mississippi is the setting for many of his novels and stories. It is peopled with families and characters that recur throughout his work. Cleanth Brooks, a critic, professor, and Faulkner scholar has written an excellent study of these writings in William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country. It includes a very helpful appendix, including an index of recurring characters, genealogies of Faulkner's characters, and a map of the fictional county.

One aspect of Faulkner's writing that inrigues me a great deal is his Yoknapatawpha County. This fictional county in Mississippi is the setting for many of his novels and stories. It is peopled with families and characters that recur throughout his work. Cleanth Brooks, a critic, professor, and Faulkner scholar has written an excellent study of these writings in William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country. It includes a very helpful appendix, including an index of recurring characters, genealogies of Faulkner's characters, and a map of the fictional county.

One aspect of Faulkner's writing that inrigues me a great deal is his Yoknapatawpha County. This fictional county in Mississippi is the setting for many of his novels and stories. It is peopled with families and characters that recur throughout his work. Cleanth Brooks, a critic, professor, and Faulkner scholar has written an excellent study of these writings in William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country. It includes a very helpful appendix, including an index of recurring characters, genealogies of Faulkner's characters, and a map of the fictional county.