
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Hamlet Throughout Shakespeare?s plays he combined both good and bad qualities within his characters. In his tragedies the characters always have at least one tragic flaw that leads to their defeat. In Hamlet, Hamlets flaw is his incisiveness, along with other minor flaws such as the Victor becoming the victim, and his brief yet intense life. When you combine these qualities along with others you get a very dramatic play created by the one, the only William Shakespeare.

Hamlet?s indecisiveness first shows with his emotions towards Ophelia. The reader may sense deep and intense love between the two; then slowly he changes into a different individual; one who is cruel and cold to the fair Ophelia (3.1.100-170). This along with the death of her father, Polonius, drives her to madness and she ends up drowning. As soon as Hamlet heard of this tragic news, he is saddened and claims he loves her once more (5.1.262-265).

The most indecisive moment of the play was Hamlet?s famous speech: ?To be, or not to be, that is the question?? (3.1.63-97). In this he ponders the question of life itself.

To live, to die, whether it?s nobler to endure the blows of fickle fortune, or to fight against the odds and overcome them. He focuses his point on mans? intelligence. He believes we bring ruin onto ourselves, and we have dreams while sleeping to escape the reality of the mortal world, and in turn giving hesitation to end a life.

In this play Shakespeare casts Hamlet as the victor later becoming the victim. He begins as the almighty Prince Hamlet, only to be torn apart by the death of his father King Hamlet, the marriage of his uncle Claudius to his mother Gertrude, and the death of Ophelia. Hamlet comes to discover that his father?s death was not accidental, turning him towards revenge. He faces many challenges throughout the story, and at the end everything is turned against him. Hamlet finds himself face to face with Laertes in a big duel. He is granted three hits towards Laertes, and every time he makes a successful hit Claudius offers him a drink. The drink, of course, is the poison intended for Hamlet?s demise. Gertrude ends up drinking the juice, who later dies. Then shortly after, Laertes, Hamlet, and Claudius are stabbed by the poisoned dagger. Hamlet then appoints the new leadership of Denmark to Fortinbras, and he dies.

Hamlet?s instantaneous life was very intense. He may have only been thirty years old at the end of his life, but he had lost everyone he had ever loved within a two-month period. He had many ambitions, which turned to doubt and sorrow by the end of the play.

Hamlet had lived as long as he thought possible, but when everyone faded before he decided to end it as well.