
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate October 2001

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The movie "City of Joy" is a very useful film for the study of global underdevelopment. The filmmaker sends many messages throughout the film. The messages and scenes during the film were very accurate to help explain global underdevelopment.

"City of Joy" was a film that was very helpful for the study of global underdevelopment. The film gives a good visual understanding of the conditions and way of life of people living in underdeveloped conditions. The filmmaker was very accurate in showing underdevelopment in scenes throughout the film. Accuracy helps a visual understanding by giving the viewer a very detailed image to relate too.

Where as in a book the reader must create their own image of the topic to try to understand what it was like. With a better detailed image it is easier to understand the conditions of underdevelopment.

Conditions of underdeveloped countries shown in the film were accurate and were shown with great detail.

Many scenes showed well the conditions of underdevelopment.

Conditions of underdevelopment include low income and poverty. People would do anything to get money. Roland Joffe shows low income in scenes of people living in the streets and begging for food and money to get by. The people in the scenes have such a low income they needed to beg. They have no choice; you need money to be able to live. This scene was useful by showing a visual of the results of low income.

A second condition of underdeveloped countries is the poor medical care. It is hard to get into the clinics because there are not enough compared to population. This condition of poor medical care was shown in scenes were a women was having a hard time having a baby, but no one in the city knew what to do. Finally doctor Max decided he will try and save the women and child. He would be the only doctor in the city. This scene is useful in demonstrating how medical care is an essential to a community.

Another condition of underdevelopment is poor sanitation. It is sometimes hard to find clean water and soaps to wash with. Roland Joffe shows the poor sanitation by having scenes of people running out side when it started raining to have a shower. That was how some of them got cleaned. This scene was useful because it gave a good picture how unclean the people lived.

Roland Joffe sends many messages throughout the film some more important than others. One message is that "what one person has a hard time achieving, a group of people can achieve much easier and be more affective." Sometimes in life people need more than one person to be able to accomplish a goal, better and more efficiently. The message is relayed throughout the film in many scenes. One scene is when a group of people got together and built a new medical clinic. If one person tried to build the new clinic it would have taken a very long time, but their were many volunteer helpers making the job more easily and faster done. Another scene is when a group of protesters got together to protest the governments decisions. If one man tried to protest nothing would have happened, but since there was a large crowd they were noticed and had a better chance of getting their point across. The message "what one person has a hard time achieving, a group of people can achieve much easier and be more affective." was a significant message that was presented throughout the film.

The film "City of Joy" was a very useful film to the understanding of underdevelopment. Filmmaker Roland Joffe shows scenes that helped give a visual of underdeveloped countries. Joffe sends the viewers messages about underdevelopment and life throughout the film. The messages and scenes were very accurate to the understanding of underdevelopment.