Hard To Swallow

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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Hard to Swallow The latest decades, technology has modernised and advanced itself so far, that it has provided an enormously boost for the industry. This progress is shown in the shape of robots, computers but also the biological sides are now very advanced. And surely that is because of the computer which are available. We now have the knowledge to make antibiotic that prevents several diseases among the animals, which we are going to use for food. This helps the production and the farmers have the opportunity to reduce the prices, which again have an affect on the citizens' household. And when households is reduced a lot of people find themselves pleased, but the fact is that often the animals suffers from this. Even though the antibiotic should prevent diseases, experience and studies has now shown that the animals are becoming resistant towards this substance. This could result in several matters.

These animals will no longer have the opportunity or ability to get an antibiotic cure if needed in case of illness. The animal, now resistant, will experience a greater chance for death, and common diseases that previous could be cured in the matter of days will last for maybe months. All this results in lower production and an increase on the household budget. This is not the consumers' ideal situation, and therefor people are beginning to be more open and curious about the development. And that is desperately needed, because it doesn't only affect our wallet, when we buy a chicken pumped with antibiotics. There is also health risks concerning the humans. When we consume meet of a chicken we are voluntarily pumping ourselves with these antibiotics. This way we are becoming the animals; victims for our own creation. We will encounter the same as the animals, in the ways of resistant towards antibiotics.

I enjoyed reading this quotation: "If you change the natural balance, sooner or later nature will bring you the bill." It really hits the centre of the circle, meaning that I strongly believe in nature's way of returning a favour. If one treats nature with respect, one is also allowed to use it. Reversibly, if one doesn't respect nature, catastrophe is near. We have seen proof of this continuously times, but rarely no one considers why.

The solution must therefor be similar to Sweden's. They have adjusted and shown the world that alternatives are present. Furthermore Swedish farmers has also unaware of it provided a study about farming in balance with nature. Without any antibiotics, hormones or other similar preparation Swedish farmers are using other ways for increasing production, such as making the animal's "freewalking". This requires more space and perhaps more expenses, or but if the farmer uses this method instead of antibiotics, it might not make any different financially. Consumers are still becoming fonder of ecological victuals, and this fact forces farmer to look into the possibilities. Also the awareness of the animals rights and the demand for the animals wellbeing hopefully tempts farmers to use natures own form of hormones and antibiotics. And when the production hasn't fallen compared to the past, it actually has a bright future.

The discussion has dealt with the humans and animals physical wellbeing, but certainly our environment is suffering as well. A farmer which professions are battery hens often absorbs broad landscapes for their business. This, without any further thought, exterminate a beautiful environment and therefor one of our treasures. Ecological farmers uses the space, but the hens are out in the free, and this works as a simulation of the real nature.

If we do not change our pattern, this might be me conclusive words: "What started as the beginning towards perfection, became our own pledge."