"Harry Potter And The Philsopher's Stone"

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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In the British version of--what us American's call-- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling there are many qualities of the book that are good. To name just a few there is her wonderful plot design, and the fact that Rowling makes great use of forming rounded characters. With Rowling, she knew where she wanted to go with the novel and followed through in a way that was ever pleasing and attention grabbing to the plot. It starts off with the reader finding themselves in England with a family of Muggles, or "non-magic people", that are having a quiet moment at home when they are bombarded with a small baby boy who had just "saved the world" from an evil wizard. The people that young Harry is with are his aunt and uncle who absolutely despise any magical doings or people whatsoever. Then on his eleventh birthday something amazing happens; after receiving millions of letters from somewhere Harry has no idea existed he meets a giant of a man named Hagrid who is going to take him to his new school, Hogwarts.

It is then that Harry discovers he is no ordinary boy, he is in fact is a wizard. After getting supplies in London and being sent off to the wizarding world on the Hogwarts Express, Harry meets his new friends Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger. Ron is the outgoing one, and Hermione is the brilliant, cautious one. During their first year at Hogwarts they stumble upon a plan that was created by the one who had tried to kill him years before, Voldermont. Through many trials and tribulations Harry, Ron, and Hermione eventually find themselves the only ones who can once more "save the world". With all ending task's behind them Harry is the one who has to jump the last hurtle. "Indeed [it was] as though ice was flooding his body. He put the bottle down and walked forward; he…saw the black flames licking his body but couldn't feel them--for a moment he could see nothing but the dark fire--then he was on the other side, in the last chamber." (pg. 208). Just the way that Rowling puts the climatic ending of a chapter shows how skilled she is in controlling the scheme of things. Another thing that is good about the novel is when she created her characters for this novel she obviously did a lot of researching and planning because we watch them grow and change over the course of the entire story [and series]. Harry Potter is obviously is an extremely rounded character because we literally follow his life from the time he was just a baby to his birthday of eleven years and being excepted into Hogwarts. When Harry is first introduced he is a shy, weak, bullied young boy but throughout the course of the book he learns how to defend himself from the bullies and gains many friends and experiences that change his outlook on life. Another example of Rowling expertise on developing a character's personality is through one of Harry's best friends, Hermione Granger. At first Hermione seems like a talkative, brainy know-it-all; '"Are you sure that's a real spell? …Well it's not very good is it?… Nobody in my family's magic at all, it was ever such a surprise when I got my letter, but I was ever so pleased…I've learnt all our set books by heart…I just hope it'll be enough."' (pg. 79), yet as she gets better acquainted with the rest of the students and teachers she begins to learn the value of friends and bravery that can exceeded the significance of knowledge. Thus that is to say that I would recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy, or even to those that don't. The writing is exquisite and Rowling clearly knows how to grab a reader's attention with great characters and an involving plot.