Hawthorne and puritanism

Essay by philreesCollege, UndergraduateA+, March 2006

download word file, 1 pages 2.0

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The writer, Nathaniel Hawthorne, portrays the Puritan

society in his novel, the "The Scarlet Letter". Through out

this novel, Hawthorne shows the reader certain aspects of

his opinion of the Puritan society. Hawthorne is constantly

judging the Puritans and it's standards of morality. A

number of Puritans do not agree with Hawthorne's novel, such

as how he portrays the society's methods of punishment and

it's hypocrisy. Hawthorne depicts his opinion through the

four, major characters of his novel, Hester Prynne, Arthur

Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingworth, and Pearl.

Hawthorne does not condone Hester's adultery, but he

does find it less serious a sin than the sins of Dimmesdale

and Chillingworth. He portrays the puritan women, who

believe in harsh punishments towards Hester, as

"hard-featured dames". " This woman has brought shame upon