Heroes Of Their Time

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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The game of hockey is fast and furious, combing finesse and brutality. Before Eric Lindros there was never a player with such style and of finesse and [also the size of a linebacker. Over the years Eric has led the NHL in goals, as well as penalty minutes. His tactics of playing were unmatched by any, but as time moved on the challenger finally came.

The "Challenger," known as Peter Forsberg, is unmistakably one of, if not the greatest hockey player in the NHL. Forsberg leads the NHL in assists and [therefore, is constantly responsible for his team's goals. He is not afraid of anyone and is the play-maker of his team, the Colorado Avalanche. Peter, with the heart of an lion, helped them win the Stanley Cup in 1997.

When these two great athletes go against one another, make sure to watch the game. Lindros is a hard hitter and a shooting phenomena, [whereas Forsberg is smart and unbelievably accurate with his shot.

Both are equally effective in getting goals and leading their teams.

Because hockey is such a physical game, players often drop out of the league because of injuries. Lindros has the most concussions of any player and is often out for extended amounts of time because of them. Because of Forsberg's extreme talent he is often the target of enforcers from other teams.

His injuries are [also often inflicted to the head.

Lindros and Forsberg can compete with the best of the NHL today.

However, their futures are uncertain because of the brutality involved with hockey. With the toughness of the game , both will most likely have to retire in their thirties. They have affected the game in a great way and [as a result] they will be remembered for quite some time.