Hippies V. America

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade November 2001

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In the case of the Hippies versus 1970's America, I would have to take the side of the Hippies. They were fighting for what they believed in. All of their protests were peaceful until the police stepped in. They were just standing up for themselves and others. They government was in the wrong in this situation.

The Hippies strove for what they believed in, and got persecuted in the process. That was really a violation of their freedom of speech. They just wanted to march/protest peacefully to end the war and the draft. By the police attacking the protesters, that was a violation of their freedom of speech. They stood up against the government for what they believed in.

Their protests were peaceful until the law enforcement stepped in. They were peaceful protests, then the police came in with riot gear and bad intentions that agitated the crowd of people.

Some of the law enforcement officers beat innocent people who weren't and couldn't defend themselves. It wasn't a riot until the police started attacking people and throwing smoke bombs everywhere. The Hippies were there to have a peaceful protest that was turned into a riot by the police.

The Hippies fought for themselves and others. They did that by protesting the draft that led to most people being killed in the army. They protested against the war, which was an excuse for millions of useless deaths. Their main sign was a peace symbol for a reason. The Hippies protested against the draft and the war.

I had to side with the Hippies for many reasons. They fought hard to stand up for what they believed in, which is every American citizen's right. They were peacefully protesting until the police showed up and turned it into a riot. They protested for not only themselves, but for every other American citizen who didn't want to go to war. The Hippies were brave for what they did, and therefore, I have to side with them.