Historical Fiction- 70s

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade November 2001

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I was only 17 years old. I was not mature enough to see that my future was going downhill. I wish that I could have stopped everything I was doing wrong, but unfortunately I was too blind to see what exactly the problem was in my life.

School life was hard for me, simply because I did not care. My friends did not care about making decent grades, which influenced me to have the "carefree attitude." I guess it is not so "carefree" when I look back at it now. The teachers hated me and I hated them back. It was a joint reaction; everytime they tried to help me- I turned away from them. I wouldn't accept their help or advice because all I wanted to do was chill with my friends behind the concert pavillion. It's strange knowing that I actually had the genes to succeed in life because both my parents went to decent colleges and were very intelligent.

I am proud of one thing that happened in my life. I was a strong advocate for saving energy and helping in the energy crisis. I was able to drive, but I chose not to so that I felt I was doing my part in trying to save the environment. That's also how I felt about smoking marijuana, seeing that it is a natural herb and everything. When I was young, probably 10 or so, the first Earth Day was held in April 1970. I remember my parents taking me to the different shows and booths. From that moment on, I realized that conserving the environment was important. I got mad when I saw my friends litter, or when I saw them spray paint the buildings behind the concerts; it just wasn't right. Earth came before us, humans. We should respect the Earth, not stomp all over it. Because of my strong beliefs, that is how I met my girlfriend.

I was on my way home from school (riding my bike), when I see a girl holding up signs about protecting the Earth. She was beautiful. I remember exactly what she wore too- a tie dyed shirt with tight ripped jeans. I couldn't help but stare at her and make a fool out of myself. I wasn't paying attention as I bumped into the pole. I saw her laugh and grin. She asked if I was okay and started to lay her hand on my back. I couldn't help but just kiss her. I had to kiss her right then and there. It was an urge; an urge I have never felt before. She was shocked and pulled back. I was speechless, what was I supposed to do? Anyway, we began to talk and we learned all about each other. In fact, we talked all night. It was the greatest moment I had ever had. The moment was short-lived because by the time I realized it, I had to go to school the next day. We swore that we would see each other every day at the same spot. I kept my promise for a week and so did she. Things started dying down though and she began to not show up as often. Then one day, she just didn't show up at all. I waited all night, but it seemed like she was gone forever. It was like a part of me had just died. She didn't tell me where she went, but I assumed she found another guy. I wish we were still together.

Probably the biggest impact on my life was the Vietnam War, especially because I had a great chance of being drafted. I remember all the controversy about the war. Should the U.S. get involved? None of my friends cared, but what exactly did they care about? I wanted to get involved, I wanted to form an opinion about the war. It didn't help though, not knowing anything about it.