Hitler Policies

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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There is evidence that implies Nazi racial policies had a disastrous impact on the lives of religious and racial groups within Germany and the occupied territories in the period. The impact was not only confined to the Jewish community, but to non-Jews who had married a Jewish person, and gypsies. Many Germans would have been horrified at what was happening but where relatively powerless to resist or intimidated into silence by the powerful Gestapo informant network. On the other hand, many approved of Hitler?s racial polices. Ideological factors overrode military and economic or social considerations even though Nazi policies were counterproductive to the German war effort.

On 23 March the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act, which gave Hitler dictatorial powers for four years. By doing so the Reichstag transferred power from itself to Hitler and the Nazi Party, and brought to an end the constitutional government of the republican period.

The Enabling Acts of 1933 lay both the foundation and basis of and anti-Jewish legislation. At first the impetus for anti-Jewish agitation usually came from Hitler Youth and SA activists- not from Hitler and his leadership. In the euphoria of months after the seizure of power, SA part activists started their own anti-Jewish campaign. Gestapo chief, Rudolf Diels complained about he excesses of the Berlin SA, but was told ?for very human reasons certain activity must be found which will satisfy the feelings of our comrades? (Kershaw, The Nazi Dictatorship)