Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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Is one's pride worth dying for? In the book The Crucible, one man's reputation and white name changes rapidly as a vengeful teenager's accusations of witchcraft are taken to extreme measures. Arthur Miller, the author of this tense story, takes the reader through a multilayered drama of principle and paranoia. John Proctor faces many decisions that will forever change his life as well as his families. From the past to the present, he faces many difficult decisions. These routes he takes and decisions he faces will be explained in the next few paragraphs. However, one man's pride can never be taken lightly; for a man's pride is a self-worth that can never be taken away.

As a man of pride, John Proctor is also a man of sin. Abigail, softening her voice, says, " 'Give me a word, John. A soft word.' " (Page 22). Any speculation of his committing adultery was John's most feared concerns.

Because of the fear, John would never think to be with Abigail again. " 'I will cut off my hand before I'll ever reach for you again.' " (page 23). John sternly applied John wants Abigail to be out of his life forever. Though, what he would really want is for Abigail to completely forget about him and the affair. " 'Wipe it out of mind. We never touched Abby.' " (page 23). John wanted so desperately for this to be a true statement. Hoping that the statement would somehow wash away all his sins, knowing if the truth ever was to get out would ruin his everything in his life especially his good name in the village. His name in the village and sake of his wife are things in the back of his mind every day. Though, he has learned from his mistake he knows the evil intentions Abigail holds within.

Proctor's hidden life, meaning nothing to him now, still means a great deal to Abigail. She would do anything for his love again. " 'I am accused?' " (page 59).

Elizabeth softly questions as Marry Warren quaking answers her with " 'Somewhat mentioned.' " (page 59). Abigail's love for Proctor has become an obsession. Her love for him is so intense that she will do anything to be with him like they were before.

Taking down any obstacle in the way; for example, Abigail would love to see John Proctor's wife, Elizabeth, dead. " 'She wants me dead. I knew all week it would come to this.' " (Page 60). Abigail wants Elizabeth dead so badly so she can take over her spot; however, Abigail does not realize that even if she does, John Proctor would never be with her. Abigail's jealousy makes her the evil person she is and makes Elizabeth realize the truth will come out. " 'You cannot keep it, John!" ' (page 53). Elizabeth yells. John's name is now at risk; he is scared to tell of his committing adultery to the community. The thought makes him wish he had never met Abigail Williams. Though he would do anything to save the goodness in his name, he will not let his wife die for him.

As a man known for his white name, he finally risks its all for his wife's life. " 'My wife will never die for me!' " (page 80). Proctor's statement shows how his love for his wife goes deeper than anything; his love even goes deeper than the good of his own name. He would trade anything to get her back; he would even trade his pride. " 'I want my life!' " (page 137). John yells with tears in his eyes; knowing it is a lie he is about to confess to. He wants to live a long, full life with his wife and children. He wants more than anything to be with them through everything. Until Proctor says, " 'The village must have proof that--" ' (page 142). The thought that his name will forever be blackened makes him realize he is making the wrong choice. Thinking mostly of his family and how it will affect them and their lives he chooses wisely. " 'Give them no tear! Tears pleasure them! Show honor now, show a stony heart and sink them with it!' " (page 144) John Proctor comforts his wife as he makes the choice to not blacken his name. He wants so much for his family in the future that he will die for them. Pride has gotten the best of him, and in his decision, he leaves behind everyone he cares about. However, pride is something that will never be taken away from this man; therefore, he died with more dignity and pride than any other man or women.

One's pride is something that cannot be taken away; therefor, pride is worth dying for. Why live a life if one is going to live a lie? People do not realizes that a mans name is looked upon by others, even after death. What one does in life reflexes the past as well as the future. Dying for what one believes is an honor and a privilege. One can not think of a better statement than that of Elizabeth Proctor at the end of the story; " 'He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it away from him!" ' (page 145).